Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» A 7.0 earthquake SHAKES Alaska with a 5.8 aftershock. We Californians are reminded that our BIG ONE is overdue. 7.8 expected. Do you worry?
I live on a fault line so I do worry about it a bit I live in the country and if the big one hits we won't be on the rescue priority list And there is only one highway that goes across the island and if it gets major damage it will make rescuing efforts slower. Anyway I am prepare with food supplies. survival skills and first aid skills pus I have a 5 ton chain fall and plenty of other work tools that I could use to help rescue efforts around here. Cheers and happy weekend!
You ARE prepared to take care of yourself and to help others Nanoose! I AM IMPRESSED! I pray you are never tested . Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
No fraking going on there Ele? D'ya know in Oklahoma where fraking has occurred earthquakes also showed up. I guess they're pals. What Mother Nature thingy in your neighborhood DOES make you edgy? Dorothy was from Kansas right? So no tornadoes to take you up up and away to Oz? Thank you for your reply! :)
They just had a earthquake on the east coast in an era not know for earthquakes so they are saying it|s probably because of the fraking in the area - fraking is horrible for the environment too. Cheers and happy weekend!.
This post was edited by Nanoose at December 1, 2018 1:09 PM MST
No fracking here. That is done in ancient shale formations, whereas our bedrock is mainly limestone. Oil found in Ohio is mostly gone now. We do have a small fault line about 75 miles from here...I have felt a tiny quake once. We have had a few tornadoes here. Palm Sunday 1965 we had one destroy many homes in our north end. President Johnson came here to see the damage left by it.
We had a few in July 1969, but I was in FL visiting with an aunt. Bummer, I like stuff like that. Another nearby trashed a Boy Scout camp we went to every year. Lake Erie acts as a wedge...bad weather goes North and South of us...that's why big storms are quite uncommon here.
Basically. We did get whacked by the blizzard of '78, but so did every one else east of the Mississippi. It was odd to watch the weather radars as thunderstorms went to the north and south of us last summer. That's why the mini-drought.
Who knew Toledo could be so nifty? Well you did! We finally got an entire day of on-and- off rain and it was splendid! We get so excited here when it rains. We almost forget what that wet stuff is we see it so seldom. However more in store allegedly if we don't get stiffed. More rain projected for Wednesday Thursday and Saturday. We'll take it! Thank you for your reply Ele! :)
No. If it happens it happens. I can try to be prepared, but worrying about it is futile. I live atop a giant granite batholith that is littered with ancient fault lines (best place to find interesting rocks). Several Of those fault lines are very active. While I doubt any of them will produce the "big one", they can (and have) caused a fair amount of shaking - and just in my lifetime.
I've felt many earthquakes over the years. Some have rocked me out of bed, while others were just subtle tremblings. Some were noisy, others were quiet. The Loma Prieta quake (many miles from here) knocked stuff off the shelves in my garage. As with most native californians, I've gotten used to them. In fact, I felt one at church several years back that no one else in the entire congregation felt (it was a 3.1). If it ain't above a 4.0 then it isn't a "real" earthquake.
I don't want to see a big one, nor do i want anyone to suffer because of an earthquake. However, I don't worry about them.