They sit silently by while their adorable john of don separates children from parents, locks them in cages and kennels or makes them live in tent cities. What about those children with special medical needs? Who looks out for them? If any of those children die do you really think your adored john of don would admit it? Do YOU CARE about life or just about a sperm and an egg being alllowed to do its thing inside a woman's belly? Seriously folks. How can that possibly make any sense at all to you? Your cherishing life begins with conception and ends with birth. After that you don't care one whit or one bit about any of it. As long as it is in utero you are pro. Sheesh. And you really think you are pro-life, right? Double Sheesh. What a crock.
I don't think there are truly people who are pro-abortion. More likely, they are pro-choice - a decision that should be made by the woman. Pro-choice is not pro-abortion. I don't believe abortion should be used as a matter of birth control and I don't believe in late term abortions unless the life of the mother is at stake or there is some other good medical reason.