Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» What kind of SUPER DUPER do-gooder wouldn't thou most like to be? One who seeks justice and truth and honor? Or other?
I think you are asking what kind of do-gooder I would not like to pattern myself after?
That's easy, the phony type. The kind that has one face for the public and another for what is inside his terrified mind. Terrified to think, terrified to mis-step lest he incur the wrath of the God his tribe insists he follow.
Truth be told I SCREWED UP bigly Sharon. The "wouldn't" shouldda been "WOULD"! AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply to the question I asked but did not intend to ask. Oh. Old School left this morning about 9am heading for home. He has your book. You know the one you kindly sent with him LAST CHRISTMAS 2017 for me to read? The one you could not get through for more than a few pages/chapters and the one I could not get through too...about of course you know hoo. Apologies for the delay. I TRIED REAL HARD. I know you did too. Let's face it Sharon. We do not wear hair shirts nor force misery upon ourselves willingly. Old School said he'd get in touch with you to see when would be a convenient time to bring it to you! :)
I'm already a Super Duper do gooder but it would be nice to be the kind of Super Duper do gooder that was contagious Then when people watch me in action they would catch the fever and then poof they go out looking for truth. justice and honor. Cheers!
A communicable disease for doing good? WHAT A GREAT IDEA! Okey dokey. I'm on board Nanoose. You will become my next question. Stick with me kid and I'll take you everywhere I go! Thank you for your reply! :)