Pots and pans and sweaters and books I've let others "borrow" and were never returned. I did not assert myself. What about you? "Neither a borrower or lender be". Is that thee?
I bought some fancy ski clothes and went skiing THE FIRST TIME. I'm not cut out for it so. I loaned the clothes to a gal with whom I worked. She quit and didn't return them or pay me. I gave my favorite sweater ON LOAN to a friend when it was cold and she left my house to go home. I thought we'd see each other again. Never did.
I've let people use dishes and pots and pans and never got them back. I have no idea why I'm even thinking about it now decades later. Sheesh. It's my fault of course so how come I'm bit**ing? I ALWAYS return what I borrow. I NEVER have kept anything that didn't belong to me. Just like going to the library and returning books that are due I never didn't NOT do that. Did you?
I don't borrow things and if somebody wants to borrow something from me I first take something of theirs of equal or greater value. I let a buddy borrow my wood splitting tools last week and I am holding on to his power washer until he brings them back. Cheers!