Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Does it make sense to you to spend time with folks you dislike engaging in conversation that makes you angry? Do you?
If I am getting angry back? Not a heck of a lot of sense.
If I am gracious? It may serve to calm the waters. If I cannot be gracious, the best thing to do is totally accept that the person is angry and just move on. Some people love to find things to be disappointed about. I have more important things to pursue. Like not getting ulcers for instance.
Gosh Sharon that is one nightmarish graphic. Oy vey! I don't go out of my way to engage with folks I dislike. Not my cuppa tea. But some go out of their way to engage with me and are rude. I don't get the why of that. My brain doesn't work that way. If I like I buy it. If I don't I pass by it. I don't knowingly go out of my way to waste my time on hopeless causes. I engage in things that get my attention. Both great (aurora borelis, unicorns, sunsets) and ungreat (politics). Some of the things make me very happy. Some are just observations about how I see things.I do not seek out anyone. If they seek me out that's great mostly except when they seek me out to berate attack insult accuse. That is what I do not get. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
No. I am merely stating a truth. You go on and on and on when someone attacks you. I don't count anything. I try to ignore those unless I can help out.
Obviously you are taking umbrage and this is not helping one bit.
I love you. You can bash me anytime you please and I will not take it to heart. I have many character flaws. I am not trying to point out anything about you and say it is a flaw.
I am pointing out the obvious that only a deaf dumb and blind person refuses to see about themselves. You go on and on and on when someone pisses you off and you act like you are not doing that? WAKE UP. You are the last to see this? You won't even admit it?
WHOOSH! That went right over my head Sbf! Wouldja like to 'splain yourself cuz I seriously don't get how that reply is responsive to the question I asked. So whaddya say hey hey hey? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
You DO? Oh my gosh condolences m'dear. So you're kinda like the first stop for angry people? I've been one of 'em once or twice so on behalf of all of us apologies! How do you keep YOUR temper if someone is being very abusive? I once had a customer cuss me out and hang up on me. It was in a sales office and I told my boss thinking he'd be angry at me. What he did was call that customer back and tell him he did not need his business and told him I did not deserve to be talked to that way! I was shocked that he did that! Hope anyone to whom you might report has YOUR back too. Thank you for the explanation. Your job is a mighty hard one. :)