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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The STABLE GENIUS doesn't need to know how to spell. He is the prez. So he spelled smoking smocking! So what?

The STABLE GENIUS doesn't need to know how to spell. He is the prez. So he spelled smoking smocking! So what?

He doesn't smoke...that we know. Maybe he smocks. Intelligence is NOT MEASURED BY OR DEPENDENT UPON OR REMOTELY connected TO THE ABILITY TO SPELL WELL. The stable genius has all he can handle appointing people to jobs they refuse or replacing people he fires or who quit or tweeting about the witch hunt or supporting the orderer of the butcher beheading dismembering murder. How many balls do ya think he kin juggle simultaneously?. He can't be bothered with spelling. Fer cryin' out loud folks! He's reel reel reel  good at what y'all voted him in for rite? Spelling was NOT on YORE list of essentials wuz it ?

Posted - December 10, 2018


  • 6023
    hee hee hee

    Mr Ed was a "Stable Genius".

    So was Francis.

    btw - Urban Dictionary "smock":

    Hahahahahahahaha This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at December 11, 2018 9:58 AM MST
      December 10, 2018 11:45 AM MST

  • 113301
    OH MY GAWD Walt! Seriously? Oh my gawd! Geez I wonder if he KNOWS? I surely didn't. Oh my gawd! I'm now laughing and giggling. You are my third source of jolly good laughs this morning. This will be one heckuva day fer shure because it is starting off so niftily. Oh my gawd!  Small hands small feet small..... well everything? Small brain small soul small character? Thank you for your reply and the link. I sure hope others click on it. Oh my gawd!  Happy Tuesday!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 11, 2018 9:59 AM MST
      December 11, 2018 3:20 AM MST

  • He loves smocking and a nice, hot cup of covfefe.
      December 10, 2018 11:49 AM MST

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Geez lavender I had forgotten all about that! Good for you for connecting the two! Very funnee hunnee bunnee! I keep laughing when I look at the word. Smocking. I know you "flock" trees with white stuff that looks like snow. Think the stable genius flocks? Of course I gotta ask! I think I'm just in a giggly mood. I'd rather giggle at him then gag because of him! Sheesh. Thank you for your very nifty reply lavender! Boy Spunky gave me my first bigly giggle of the day and you just gifted me with my second. It's gonna be ag reat day!:) ((hugs))
      December 11, 2018 3:17 AM MST