Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» So no one WANTS to be the stable genius Chief of Staff? Why not ask General Kelly to stay? Why not? What could it hurt?
So no one WANTS to be the stable genius Chief of Staff? Why not ask General Kelly to stay? Why not? What could it hurt?
General Kelly showed he was willing to take that job on once upon a time. Maybe he is the only game in town and the end of year is very near. What d'ya think the prez should do? What would YOU do if he were you or you were he in that circumstance?
General Kelly is being questioned by Mueller. He is not loyal. Trump doesn't trust him.
That's the only thing that matters to this turkey. Loyalty.
The first pick for new AG, that Barr guy, Trump thought was in his pocket. He is a homogenization of Trump and Pence. What a recipe for disaster. Even this troll dog doesn't want the job. He apparently is gunning for a better job. That of serving under Pence when Trump goes down. He is just like Trump. He doesn't give a fig about Donnie or loyalty. He gives a fig about Subpoenas that could bring him down along with Trump.
An easy choice. So, Trump will put another unqualified Steven Miller toad in place. One that can say nothing true but can laud praise on the Trump ego morning noon and night. What a dreamboat, no?
I had not heard that Bill Barr doesn't want the AG job. I did hear that Ayers (the current Pence Chief of Staff) turned down being the Chief of Staff for the prez though he was interviewed and investigated and had multiple meetings about it with the prez for MONTHS. Guess he caved at the last minit and is gonna leave the gubment altogether. What normal person would want to "serve" such a prez as we have currently? Not one. The person ending up in that job can't get anything better and needs the money desperately. Doesn't mind shooting to he** any future credibility. Poor souls. Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon! :).
You are so right, Rosie. I wrote that n the middle of the night with little sleep and I had a brain mixup.
Ayers turned it down. Barr is probably not going to turn it down. But if he does, Trump can always go with Roseanne Barr. After all, she will do anything to get into the limelight.