Mostly 4 inches ,but I do have many 6 inch high with platforms too...I'm only a shrimp as my dad often calls me and I wear them just so I can speak eye to eye with
I wonder how that's going to affect your back D? When I was 50 (decades ahead of you futurely) my ankles locked. Now I'm not sure what happened exactly but that's the best way I can describe it. They seemed incapable of bending. I wore flat shoes to work the next day and never went back to heels. I'm 5' 6" now and was 5' 6-1/2" then so 2 or 3-inch heels made me pretty tall.The fact that I have only shrunk half an inch at my age is surprising. My sis used to be 5' 10" and she is now my height. Jim too. When we met he was 5'10". They both have compressed discs and they're in pain 24/7 and so they walk slightly hunched over. I remember as a teen my mom would put a yardstick down my back as I was sitting at the kitchen table doing homework. It made me sit up straight and I thought it odd that she did that but maybe that's why I'm still about the same height with a straight back. Anyway those heels sound kinda dangerous and maybe even unhealthy though I bet they look great. Do they feel great? When you walk do they feel the least bit shaky? Thank you for your reply D! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 14, 2018 2:07 PM MST
I've been wearing for thirteen years now Rosie....and I only every wear shoes that fit well and are comfy.... I do wear 6" heels with two inch platforms ,but no where near as much as my others....
I walk really well in them and I'm no heavy weight ...if they begin to deform my feet or give me back aches I'll stop wearing them... Its also something Ive done for work for the last thirteen years...albeit not full time..
yes I love most the feel of them and how they look or how they make you walk....I was always clompping about I'm my mums shoes with my sisters from when we were toddlers
Oh my gosh honey I just flashed back to being THREE YEARS OLD! I was born in Highland Park, Michigan a suburb of Detroit. We lived in a two-story apartment building which my parents owned. We lived upstairs and the tenants lived downstairs. Anyway we had an attic and I clearly remember one time I was up there with my mom and there was a trunk filled with clothes and shoes. I don't know whose but I played "dressup" and put on some wobbly heels and some kind of sparkly scarf. We had a full-length mirror up there too and I remember looking at myself in the mirror and thinking how grand I looked! My gosh D I haven't thought of that in a billion years. I do remember loving playing "dressup". Oh of course there were necklaces and bracelets involved as well. A 3-year-old GRAND DAME! Thank you for your informative reply and taking me back 78 years! YIKES! It's funny how clear some very long-ago memories remain in the brain. I'm gonna ask! :)
I have hopeless short term memory Rosie....dates and appointment just come and go...People's names from anywhere around the world mean absolutely nothing to me when I hear them .... Im at a point now and because they are so long and unpronounaceable don't even bother trying any more.... American people I see in films (actors) ......have such wierd names.... Rip Torn sticks in my mind because it funny and simple like
my memory is good if there is something else to trigger could be another word or phrase or something like you have just explained about wearing your mums cloths as a three year old..... Memories live forever ,but often need a two neurological pathways open to remember things..... If you want to remember certain special things the thought to other things as well. It works well and really does help you remember...
Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply D. Rip Torn was married to an excellent actress named Geraldine Page I believe. Despite his name he was an excellent actor as well. They both did a lot of BROADWAY shows and I think even won some awards. Of course there were the "pretty boys" named by their manager like Rock Hudson(before he got full-blown aids) and Tab Hunter etcetera. Their acting chops were very limited but sometimes they had good chemistry with their co-stars and on that level it worked.((hugs))
I makes me wonder who gets paid yo think up the names of many actors and actresses know like Rip Torn or whatever....... But I suppose it pays the Rent.... :)
Just getting out of the house and seeing other people perks me up, don't need to spend money. But often I will find something on my list and remind myself to purchase it:)
My never-fail picker upper is going to the market Cinders. I love to cook and love to eat and I'm a Foodie and just going up and down the aisles and checking things out perks me up! Thank you for your reply! :)
I don't enjoy shopping, in fact I do most of it online. I am an introverts, so I seldom feel the need to be 'out' among people, although I do have certain friends that I enjoy seeing occasionally. When I am down I will go hiking if the weather is decent, or I will do an extra workout which always helps, and I will put on an old stand up comedy video or funny movie.
I LOVE two kinds of shopping lavender. Food or food-related like shopping for cookware or other kitchen gadgets and books. Not a shoe person or a clothes person...that is to say I've never been a fashionista so by the time I figure out what the newest hottest "look" is it's too late. Something new took its place. Who the he** cares? Not me. I am and always was an introvert. Painfully shy as a child. A Loner. At least I used to be that and I think I no longer am. I don't like crowds. I am NOT drawn to things the masses are like Facebook or best seller lists or hot movies. I don't jump on bandwagons to be accepted. But when I'm down just going to the market picks me right up. I love to cook and eat and explore the aisles to see what's new. Years ago for my birthday among other things my sister took me to the grand opening of a new supermarket! I was in heaven! Thank you for your reply! :)
That's why I like you, Rosie. You know, I forgot about shopping for cookware. We have a store here at the outlets - I forget what it's called, but it's filled with different pots and pans. I love that store. I bought a cute skillet that matches the color of my kitchen - "Tiffany Blue". I know that sounds ridiculous, but it was love at first sight. That store is one of my exceptions, otherwise I am primarily an online shopper.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 14, 2018 11:27 AM MST
Could it possibly be LE CREUSET? I have tons of it. The best cookware in my opinion in the whole wide word. I bought them all at a local outlet. Cabazon outlets. They have seconds there and reductions in excess of 50% or more. I mean each pan can cost hundreds of dollars in a regular store so it's an investment BUT they last forever and they are easy to clean and the way the food cooks inside is incomparable! Once I went there to treat myself and I spent about $300 BUT I got over $1000 in value. I would never pay full up for it. I see my blue "dutch oven"on all the food network shows in various colors. The TV chefs use it. I don't know if they use it exclusively but I fell in love with the line decades ago and was so thrilled when they opened an outlet mall in Cabazon. That's about 20-25 miles from us. What outlets do you have up north sweetie? I bet we'd have fun shopping together. By the way I DO NOT LIKE shopping with women. They can try on clothes for hours and I get BORED. But a person who enjoys cooking and cookware? I'm there! I don't shop online for ANYTHING lavender. I have to feel touch look at it. Shopping on line may be cheaper and easier but it takes away all the joy I get from investigating checking out picking up things in person. Different strokes. I do not bank on line either. I do not trust doing anything online so if someone hacks me there is nothing there of value to hack. I write checks at the supermarket. I'm the only one I see doing that. Everyone else puts in a debit card and a pin number and bingo bongo DONE. Not me. I do things the old fashioned way as much as I can. So you like online and I don't. No es problemo. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. So you like me because I'm kinda like you and kinda like what you like? Guess what? Right back atcha! :) ((hugs))
This post was edited by RosieG at December 14, 2018 11:42 AM MST
I had to look at the my pot to find out what the brand name is. How funny, because I really only bought it because it matches my kitchen. It's Farberware, a Tiffany Blue (Turquoise) 10-inch skillet. I only use it occasionally, because it's so pretty. I know that sounds completely silly, I am OK with that. haha La Creuset is a very good brand indeed. I don't believe I have any of their products, but I know they have a great reputation, and they very well made and as you said, worth the investment.
Le Creuset is very heavy since most of the things they sell is ceramic-covered metal. I do have a few things that aren't. It's been a few years since we'be out there. We said we'd go this year when it got cooler and here we are almost at the end of the year and haven't gone. I expect maybe we'll go in January. Is your skillet ceramic coated metal too lavender? Where is your outlet mall? What city/town? Thank you for your reply! :)
I like that though lavender. Plain and simple and truthful. Nothing cutesy piesy like "Lotsa Potsy Pans" or whatever they come up with to grab your attention. My son used to live in Santa Monica and there was (maybe there still is) a LE CREUSET shop on Wilshire Blvd! It was a wondrous place to meander in and look around but the prices were top of the line and so I never purchased anything there. If I were very wealthy I'd probably buy everything they ever made and have a gourmet kitchen with tons of storage space. Some women love lotsa clothes or shoes or jewelry! Me? I'll take pots and pans any day of the week! Well when our ship comes in we can splurge! Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday. So if it says pots and pans then they probably carry a wide variety of manufacturers. That could be lots of fun too! :)
Two of my friends are chefs, and they too use La Creuset. Actually, they have a variety of brands they use, but La Creuset is one of them. The shop here does have a wide variety of brands, and I noticed that Ayisha Curry (basketball player Steph Curry's wife) has a line. Jumping on the bandwagon, I suppose since Steph's team (the Warriors) is a local thing. I am not into entertainers or their spouse's brands though, so I can't say whether or not the products are decent. I prefer name brands most of us know and trust, .like Farberware, La Creuset, etc.
Wow L That is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! I'm very happy for ya sweetie. I am not a shopper with two exceptions. Food/food-related things like cookware or kitchen gadgets and books. Clothes bore me. I have never been a shoe person. I prefer bare feet or stockinged feet and sandals. If I'm feeling a little puny physically or kinda down just going to a market will always perk me up! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)