What are your interests then L? Do you like to eat? I'd think if you like to eat you'd like to know what's in the food you eat and also control the salt and sugar etcetera. Did your mom like to cook? Both my mom and grandmother did and they were very good cooks. I don't know if we learn from our role models or not. I had the mom of a friend of my son's tell me that she thought cooking was "SLAVE LABOR". They had money so they went out to eat a lot. SLAVE LABOR! My a**! But that's how she viewed it so different strokes once again. Thank you for your reply! :)
I do like to eat, I just don't like to cook or clean up after. :) My mom was a pretty good cook, but I don't recall her ever actually "teaching" us to do it. My sisters are the same. It's different when you have someone else to cook for, but when you work full time and are by yourself, you don't bother much with cooking - at least I don't.
I did honey. I got divorced at 40 and of course I had a 12-year-old son for whom I cooked as well as me. But then he went away to college and I baked a lot and sent h im weekly packages to his dorm. He got his Master's in Hawaii and his Doctorate at UCLA so he lived away from me from the time he was 18 except for visits. I also cooked a lot for me. Jim didn't come into my life until I was almost 60! But I shopped every week and looked forward to cooking. What I did for a long time after my son went off to college was buy tons of veggies and on Sunday I'd wash, clean, trim and prep them. I had a HUGE Tupperware bowl and I put all the raw veggies in there. Then when I'd come home from work I could make soup or a stir fry or cut them smaller and make a salad. I'd buy meat but not a lot and not often. I guess it was my veggie phase and it lasted for years. I made a soup I called CHOPSTICK soup because I ate it with chopsticks. The pieces of veggies were kinda large. Then I'd use a ceramic soup spoon to eat the broth. I NEVER use metal spoons for soup. I have a dozen ceramic soup spoons I bought in a shop when I was visiting my son in Honolulu years ago. Prior to that I had TWO soup spoons...one was ceramic and one was plastic. The metal would impart a metallic taste to me so that's why I changed what I use. Having Jim to cook for is more fun of course! Thank you for your reply! Different strokes . You're probably very creative and spend your free time creating wonderful things. My sis hooks rugs, paints ceramic items, makes small dishes from clay and has access to a kiln. A friend of hers goes to class to make pottery and she goes too and has made some very nifty things. I am not creative at all...except perhaps when I get lucky in the kitchen! :)
That blows my mind Walt! i hope it's DARK chocolate. That's the healthy-for-your-heart kind recommended by doctors. Dark chocolate, red wine (if you can tolerate alcohol) and a handful of nuts like walnuts or almonds almost daily is recommended by medical professionals. Milk chocolate has none of those benefits. It's too sweet anyway. We just eat dark chocolate. As for blowing things up did you ever blow up anything? Just watching it on TV scares me. They have BOMB squads for goodness whose job it is to do that. Not my cuppa tea. Have you ever BLOWN UP in anger? Or is your fuse always very low? Thank you for your reply! :)
I've seen a Dos Equis commercial. I even drank one many decades ago when a beau and I visited OLVERA STREET in Los Angeles. We ate at a Mexican Restaurant and I remember him very clearly asking for "Dos Dos Equis Please". I remembered it because it was clever and rhymed. What the heck is Tannerite? Is that like that emeraldy crystal stuff that brings Superman to his knees? Thank you for your reply Walt! L(
... and no ... That wasn't ME. lol I only use 1/4 pound mixes. And stay the minimum 100 yards away. Don't want to be like the idiot who lost a limb by putting it in a lawnmower.
Makes no difference. Regardless of my emotional state, I haven't the money to binge on most of the time. There are those who represent new money, some are old money and a lot of us are permanently poverty stricken. So it goes