What comes next? Who knows. We will all have to wait and see what happens. Speculation, especially in political matters, usually amounts to a spit in the river. :)
I expect what comes will be far worse than what we h ave seen thus far. Could I be wrong? Of course. Do I think I am? No. Thank you for your reply ru and Happy Saturday to you! :)
It very well could get far worse but then again it may get better or at least level out a tad. That said, things are happening fairly quickly and that tends to rattle some people. Though I rarely get rattled I do get concerned about what may happen because of the ongoing and escalating power struggle within our government. However, to me, what's happening now (verbal, mental, and even physical attacks) reaches far beyond the political scene. The dark side of human nature is rearing its ugly head in a manner I haven't seen in some time. We just hear about it more from the political scene because the news seems to be covering that more closely. Just my opinion of course. :)
Disgust. The disgust is pouring in. And Mattis made the coolest move ever.
Trump is a disgrace and anyone of any merit knows this.
Mattis just brought it to the forefront. Any general handpicked by Trump is usually his lackey. Trump does not know how to politic and now he has big EGG on fat face.
That is a very handsome iteration of the don of john. Flatters him. Notice how slender he is and the handsome face spindly arms and legs? Not a drop of fat anywhere. If he sees this bet he'll wanna buy it and hang it up somewhere he can admire it 24/7. His bedroom prolly. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
With the departure of General Mattis, we are entering the really scary stage. The last adult will be leaving the White House. If Congress doesn't stand up to Trump soon, we will become the sh*thole country Trump claims other to be.
At this moment we know he follows the orders of Vlad Putin as well as TV talking heads and that ever-so-awesome oxycondon-addicted Rush Limbaugh. The TV heads and the Rush echo what his base tells him to do. These are the folks who counsel him. SIGH. We've been a sh**hole country since the day he was sworn in. I wonder if we are beyond reclamation? Thank you for your reply L! :)