ALLEGEDLY that very convenient bone spur diagnosis that was so severe it kept stable boy out of the military completely was done as a "favor" to his daddy dearest...dear old Fred. The same guy who bailed him out every time he screwed up financially or intellectually or emotionally or spiritually I suppose. Daddy dearest was the REAL success keeping stable boy afloat. We know he is a coward. We know he could have served his country in the military if he were patriotic and had THE RIGHT STUFF. Nothing new here folks. Nothing new at all. But what did it buy the doctor, Dr. BRAWNSTEEN? Access to Fred Trump. Doc lived in a Trump building and if there were anything he needed or wanted at all Fred got it done fast. Also some talk that the rent was never raised or if raised very minimally. You scratch my boy's back I will scratch yours. Right Fred? Daddy dearest Fred Trump took care of doc just as doc took care of stable boy with that "bone spur" diagnosis. SIGH. Per the doc "Donald Trump did not have a disqualifying illness"! No sh**? Really? Fer cryin' out loud we KNOW that. :(