Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Overheard on TV. "The faith-based community should get involved and take in immigrants to keep them safe"! Are y'all UP WITH THAT?

Overheard on TV. "The faith-based community should get involved and take in immigrants to keep them safe"! Are y'all UP WITH THAT?

Posted - December 28, 2018


  • 10783
    Excuse me??  Why is it when something happens (fires, floods, immigrants, earthquakes, homeless, (etc.) it's always "the faith-based communities need to step up and take care of it"???  What's wrong with everyone else?    They whine about, b!tch at, complain about and harass those in the "faith-based community" 24/7.  Yey when some "need" arises they quickly point the finger at the "faith-based community" and say " take care of that; after all, it is your job!".   ????? 
    No, I am NOT "up with that"!   When people say things like that, what they're really saying is, "I'm too busy to be bothered with that; let someone else take care of it (however, I reserve the right to complain/pass judgement if it isn't done to my satisfaction)"!  
      December 28, 2018 10:37 AM MST

  • 113301
    Simmer down Shuhak. Here's the thing as I see it. You may disagree and it won't bother me. Now I'm only speaking from my personal view and not for anyone else at all. I never do. From the time I was a little girl I was told GOD IS LOVE. At the age of 12 I taught a Bible class to kids in nursery school. It was my belief and view that that those who believed in God would be following the teachings of Jesus. That is to say I have always put people of faith on a pedestal. They represent God do they not? They represent Jesus do they not? When did God or Jesus ever say "ignore those in need. Turn your back on them?" If you can find something in the Bible that says that please let me know. The people who listened to Jesus sat on hillsides on the ground listening to his preachings. They did not care about their surroundings. They did not need fancy buildings with precious fancy icons. His words were what they were there for. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". "Love thy neighbor as thyself". I take that very seriously. I would expect people of faith to do likewise. You seem upset that I expect more from you than I do from those who do not believe in a higher power. Well why on earth would my holding you to a higher standard and expecting MORE from you than I do from others upset you? Do you not realize that is a compliment? Good grief and good golly miss molly and fer cryin' out loud. So sue me. Be upset  if you must.  In the olden days people received protection when they went to a church. The church was where our most honorable aspirations were addressed. I am one voice Shuhak. If you talk the talk i EXPECT YOU to walk the walk. Thank you for your reply. I really don't get why you are so upset. Oh well.  You win some and you lose some. Sometimes you hit a homerun and sometimes you strike out.:(. This post was edited by RosieG at December 28, 2018 10:58 AM MST
      December 28, 2018 10:53 AM MST

  • 10783
    Forgive me, I'm rather passionate about this and I can get bit "overheated".  

    You're correct - God IS love!  However, not everyone who believes in God is a follower of Jesus.  Did you know that Jesus puts His followers on a "pedestal" as well?  (meaning He expects more of them - just like you do).  Those who truly follow Jesus are His ambassadors.  Your quoting of scripture is also correct (meaning you've got it right!).  In fact, you've got it more right than many of those who claim to be "religious" do.  Fancy buildings, lofty crosses, stained glass, iconic jewelry - these trappings mean nothing.  What counts is what's in a person's heart.  And what's in their heart will come out in their actions and their speech 

    What annoys me is those who assume that the "churches" (faith-based communities??) will "feed the hungry, clothe the naked and give to the poor".  People with that mindset (and there are many of them) are shirking the responsibility of helping others (something everyone should be doing as we are all human beings).  I think EVERYONE should "step up to the plate" and do their part.  Those who "give money to the "churches"" assuming they use it to "take care of the problem" is also wrong.  That's just a way of saying "I don't want to get my hands dirty  by actually dealing with those who are beneath me; or "my time is of more valuable than the life of a fellow human being".  

    In fact, most of those who are actually being "religious" (so to speak) rarely announce it.  It's the ones who love the "praise of men" who go about acting all "religious" (look at me.  Look at what I'M doing for MY god).

    Again, forgive me if I was over-passionate.  
      December 28, 2018 11:23 AM MST

  • 6023
    True ... if churches actually used those tithes/donations to help people, there would be far fewer multi-million dollar church buildings and wealthy clergy.

    When I was growing up, there was a large congregation that met in "abandoned" warehouses.
    Almost all their money went to help the poor and needy.  The pastor had an outside, full time job.
    Now, they have a new large building ... and are constantly "begging" for money to pay the mortgage, pastor, youth leader, adult class leaders, and deacons.  All tithes / donations go to "pay the bills" before helping others.
      December 28, 2018 1:02 PM MST

  • 113301
    :):):) Precisely! :(
      December 29, 2018 3:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    No worries m'dear. You don't mind my passion and I don't mind yours. That's whom we are. Now here's the thing about what you just wrote. You know better Shuhak. You KNOW there are people who  are very selfish and very greedy and do not give a rat's a** about anyone except themselves and what benefits them. Then there are the others who believe that they ARE their brother's keeper. "What ye do to the least of mine ye do to me". I BELIEVE THAT! "Love thy neighbor as thyself". I don't always but I KEEP TRYING. I believe that. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". I try very hard to do that too and when I can't I just avoid those people. When you say you are tired of folks expecting the faith-based community to do good works that makes no sense to me. You want them to do their share. How can they when they don't care at all about others? What irks me BIGLY are those who memorize bible passages and go to church and feel ever-so-self-righteous because they are anti-abortion when they don't give a crap about  14,000 children held hostage without their parents in some kind of he**ish limbo locked in cages and kennels and living in tent cities in the desert. That is ABOMINABLE and they are all ABOMINABLE people if they support that. These so-called faith-based folks...especially the so-called EVANGELICALS...forgive everything that stable boy does no matter how cruel ugly and vicious. They wrap themselves up in the self-righteous superiority as they support EVIL. They are phony and fake and blasphemous to me. You cannot support/defend evil and concomitantly say you believe in God and Jesus. That is bull** and I will have none of it.  Here's another way to look at it. You go to a surgeon for an operation not a musician, right? Well why shouldn't you go to a church for salvation/redemption and not a politician? People are what they are and all the shoulding and ought to ing is meaningless because they don't even hear or see you. They are too wrapped up in the own self-interest even though they wear the cross and carry the bible and go to church and spout line after line from the Bible they say they read and believe. What a buncha baloney that is!. That is my passion which is why I left the church decades ago because churches are filled with phonies.Empty suits. Paragons of evil not virtue. I am disgusted with all of them who talk the talk and don't walk the walk. I expect nothing good from stable boy because there is no good in him. The same is true for those so-called "evangelicals" who support defend adore him. God is not happy with them I betcha. Did HE tell me so. No however  would YOU be? I guess I just shot my wad. I don't look at poisonous vipers and say "they should not kill people". They are what they are. Period. I don't see how you can be tired of people like me expecting more from those who SAY they are believers than we do from others. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Saturday! :)
      December 29, 2018 2:56 AM MST

  • 34987
    If you see a need, you should step up and fill it. Not pass it on to who you think should fill that need. So whoever you overheard on TV should step up and work on filling that need. If they do no then they are showing their hypocrisy. 
      December 28, 2018 11:21 AM MST

  • 46117
    NO thanks.  I am not about to live that way just because TRUMP doesn't want to take care of the government institutions.   That is like handing out money at the grocery store to support veterans, homeless, etc etc that the government should be handling.

    I pay IINCOME TAX where does it go?  To the fat pigs in the top one percent?  Let them take care of these problems.  It is not up to me to become Trump's indentured servant.  I don't know these people,  I have a job and a life and cannot support anyone else.  I cannot even support myself.

    However if there was a plan in place where a group of us could help out, then maybe that is doable.  

    I am not someone who can just usurp my life like that.
      December 29, 2018 3:01 AM MST