What is the PURPOSE of faith-based communities? ONLY TO PAY LIP SERVICE TO GOD or to help those in need of help?
They go to church. Memorize their Bibles. Listen to the sermons. Pray to God. Keep the faith. And they vilify demonize attack asylum seekers fleeing certain death in their countries. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?
Are all colored people losers? Do all hispanic people steal? Are all Americans fat and lazy? Of course not! Prejudices stem from the actions of a few but quickly grow to cover all! Lumping all so-called "faith-based communities" together is the same thing!
Simply memorizing scripture, listening to sermons, going to "church", or even praying does NOT make one "religious"!!!! No more than walking into a auto repair shop makes one a mechanic. Those who hate, refuse to love or help others are NOT "religious" - despite what they claim!! (that is true for ALL "religions")
I think you are wrong Shuhak. I think we agree completely. I'm just approaching it from another direction entirely. Because surely you realize that in churches everywhere FROM THE PULPIT the virtues of stable boy are being preached 24/7! Surely you do realize that stable boy has the support of EVANGELICALS? Now of course not EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is doormat pushover. However when was the last time any EVANGELICAL stood up and attacked stable boy? On the threads of Answermug those who are "believers" who show up to consistently defend the evil he doth do and say could not be clearer than clear about their undying devotion to him and that he is obviously their HERO. Surely you don't think it is only Atheists who support stable boy? Of course not. People of faith show up and back him up and defend him. People of faith think that they and he are finely divinely RIGHT and that God is on their side. They don't give a rat's a** about the 14,000 immigrant children kidnapped and torn away from their parents who were seeking asylum with their parents who live in kennels and cages and tent cities under lock and key like some abandoned animals. THEY WANT A BORDER WALL. Maybe YOU don't but THEY DO! Now I do not know how many of the millions of Americans who "voted" for stable boy are part of any faith-based community. Or how many of them truly believe stable boy is being persecuted and at least figuratively crucified as Jesus was. But those who do are phony fakes and committing blasphemy in my opinion. They virtuously cling together telling one another how wondrous fair stable boy is and how those who dislike him or despise are very bad people. And simultaneously they attend church read their bibles and see themselves as guardians of some precious godly creature that was sent to them to deliver them from democracy and justice by GOD. Is it hundreds or thousands or is it MILLIONS of them who see no conflict in this? Again I do not know. SIGH. Anyway thank you for your reply and maybe it is just semantics. I am not part of the faith-based community and never will be again. I was once but I woke up and smelled the coffee early on and I left the church. I did not abandon God. I talk to Him daily. I do take exception to the pretense and lies of these self-righteous folks for supporting a disgustingly evil human being while wrapping themselves in religion. I do. Different strokes. SIGH. I guess I'm differenter than most. Do you really align yourself with the Pat Robertson school of Evangelicals or do you find them to be disgusting too as i do?
This post was edited by RosieG at December 30, 2018 9:38 AM MST
No, I do NOT align myself with them. They are loathsome, wicked and repulsive! Those so-called "faith-based religions" (i.e televangelists and such) have nothing to do with God. Oh, they may think they do, but in reality they're just self-serving hypocrites (like "stable boy"). They only care about money and prestige (the praise of people) and they use religious pretences as a means to gain it. They don't care about anyone other than themselves (and their bank account). Unfortunately, their smooth talk and false promises blinds many from seeing them for what they really are - charlatans and con artists. They don't know God nor do they even want to - and their actions are evident of this.
I don't think all people of faith do that, however some people do not see the picture in the same way, for a start who is starting the wars in their countries that they are having to flee from in the first place? Time again, the west are interfering and leaving these countries without leadership or direction and so then leaving the small terror groups who the West originally armed to rise up and terrorise it's people and others and so forcing them to leave their countries. The answer isn't to leave the country it is to put a stable government in place to stop this happening, however there is no oil, gold, etc to be made in doing so is there? Why are some countries that are closer, speak the same language and much more fitted to taking some refugees refusing to? (seven Arab countries, and Israel) and so these people are being pushed into countries such as Europe to an extent where it is putting pressure on their already overstretched basic functions, ie housing, health care, climate (more people more traffic more housing less green land), education system, job vacancies, and so changing the democracy of that country, and it's culture?
Maybe there is a plan in play to end sovereignty, monotheism, democracy, and push in communism under a totalitarian government, the one thing you'd have to do is disrupt everything that a person stood for, and erase individual identity for a community based mind-set, the Frankfurt School which is aligned with the Fabian Society planned this before world war 1, and everything in that plan is coming true.
Aldous Huxley, grandson of Thomas Huxley (Darwins Bulldog), who wrote A Brave New World (which he claimed was the blue print for a New world order, and who introduced his student George Orwell who wrote 1984, to the Fabian Society.
This post was edited by kjames at December 30, 2018 4:04 AM MST
"The answer is to put a stable government in place". SIGH. When and how do they do this when the countries in question are controlled by despot dictators who SLAUGHTER their own people Kj? There are no elections like those to which you allude in those countries. So your solution is one of idealism not reality practicality pragmatism. When genocide is the goal of despot dictators it prevails absolutely. Remember the Holocaust? Know anything at all about the Armenian genocide? Many countries experience genocide. Do you think for one moment if it were achievable they wouldn't WANT to have a stable government? That is not possible to do on their own all alone. It takes other countries who have mighty armies to come in and save them. Which isn't happening under the stable boy currently controlling what America does or does not do. Until and unless other countries fight for and kick out the monstrous "leaders" of these countries NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Not for America at least. America is now being controlled by a tiny small wannabe despot dictator who has consistently aligned himself with the world's most evil vicious leaders. His role models are Putin and Assad and Erdogan and Kim Jung un and Duterte et al. ALL MURDEROUS DESPOT DICTATORS. He has ABANDONED our decades-old alliances with "the good guys" and tossed his lot in with the most evil baddies in the world. These folks who seek asylum don't have the LUXURY of doing anything but fleeing from certain death. So if you were among them would you stay and watch your children being raped and murdered or would you try whatever you could to save them? That is precisely what we are facing no matter what kind of lies the LIAR IN CHIEF tells us. When will it change? I have no idea. The world is becoming more and more extreme right-wing FASCIST. When will that pendulum swing back? I dunno. Will it?
There is more to history that we are taught and there is a far more in depth lead up to most things which are planned, however it is the successor that writes history...
Before 2000, Saddam Huissain was going to stop printing petro dollors and convert to Euro, which would have led to Americas' bankruptcy.
Hitler also printed his own money because the Treaty Of Versailles had been so harsh on the German people that money had become worthless, and German men, women and children were starving.
JFK wanted to do the same thing. On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. He'd also made a speech about the repugnancy of secret societies, he was assassinated.
A number of things led up to the Armenian Genocide. Firstly, the number one oil producing field was in the prosperous port city of Baku, in Azerbaijan. The famous Nobel brothers of Sweden launched the Baku oil boom in 1873. Soon huge oil tankers from that region were traversing the globe. In 1883, oil companies owned by the Rothschild family entered the scene in Baku followed by Rockefeller’s gigantic Standard Oil Company. Heated competition was on for control of the world’s top producing region. At the time, Rockefeller and Rothschild were competing as the world’s foremost oil and banking barons. But the two competitors each finally realized that competition was not a good thing. The more oil wells they drilled, the more oil was produced, the more the price of oil per barrel fell. Their solution was to carve up the oil industry between them and eliminate all competition, this included "the instability of the Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence in the area was not “good for business.”
This came about by the revolution movement through the Young Turks (Committee Of Union and Progress), who begun as a secret society established as the Committee Of the Ottoman Union, made up of a number of students, pushing for a "liberal reform movement," their leader Emmanuel Carasso who was a lawyer and a member of the prominent Sephardic Jewish Carasso family of Ottoman Salonica (now Thessaloniki, Greece). Carasso was a member (some sources say founder) and later president of the Macedonian Risorta Masonic lodge in Thessaloniki and pioneered the masonic movement within the Ottoman Empire. Masonic lodges and other secret societies in Salonica were meeting places for sympathizers of the Young Turks, including Talat Pasha, Karasu was one of the first non-Muslim members of the Ottoman Freedom Society, which later became part of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP); when the CUP came to power, he became the Salonica deputy in the Ottoman parliament.He was offered various positions in the Ottoman government, but turned them down. Karasu was one of the three men who told Sultan Abdülhamit II of his deposition in April 1909. He worked for the cooperation of various Jewish organizations in Turkey, and insisted that Turkish Jews were Turks first and Jews second. He was a member of the committee which negotiated the treaty ending the Italo-Turkish War and of the committee to internationalize the city of Salonika. Along with Russian Zionist, Vladimir Jabotinksy, the editor of The Young Turk newspaper, were just what the Rothschilds needed for ridding the source of that instability, the Armenian Christians, the order to was given and 1.5 million Armenian Christians were starved, tortured, and murdered under the propaganda that they sort to convert everyone to Christianity.
After 911, General Wesley Clark found out that the US had planned to invade seven countries, and he said if the middle east had no oil, then there would be no interest in using force in the region.
I very much appreciate all the time you invested in contributing such an informative and in-depth response Kj but ya know what sticks out most to me? "...however it is the successor that writes history". Precisely. Exactly. Which is also precisely why we can never know what really happened since all the historians worldwide since time began report through their own skewed view. Straight reporting isn't possible since human beings are always a little offset by what they believe or want to be true. Which is why the Bible is what it is yet zillions of people truly believe it is the WORD OF GOD not realizing it isn't any such thing. It is the words of various MEN written over decades whose anti-woman beliefs and political leanings controlled what went in and what stayed out through several Council of Niceae gatherings. Why the bible believers don't know that I don't know. Which proves people will believe as TRUE what they want to believe and discard anything that doesn't coincide with their rigid immutable iron-clad petrified partisan views. SIGH. :( Which is why stable boy gets away with his lies because people wish to/prefer to believe what he says no matter how far away from the truth it is. We are only human you know and being fair isn't possible since we are born with that "my way is better than yours" DNA and nothing can ever cut it away. Well maybe one day! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 30, 2018 7:25 AM MST
The reason I wrote the successor writes history is because the information I relayed to you isn't common knowledge is it? It's not something you'd learn in school, or see on television or in the news, but it is fact, if you want to know the truth, you can't just swallow what you are told but we all do.
Just because the bible had a number of sources doesn't mean that it doesn't hold anything of value. In ancient Sumerian and Egypt you appeared to have multiple gods, often though these gods were meant to represent a character of one or two gods, Osirius/Horus/Ra/Thoth and Ptah were often morphed into one. Inanna/Isthar/Astarte/Isis/Aphrodite were the same goddess. The Greeks took on these gods and goddesses and the Romans gave them different names but they were all the same, these gods are seen in Washington DC today, Athena/Minerva as the goddess wisdom, trickery is of the freemasons and seen in Washington today. Just as the Egyptians believed in their kings being gods, so did the Freemasons which is why the US has the apotheosis of Washington because they believe man can become a god. Where as the God of the Israelites was a monotheistic God. I'm not sure about the anti-woman beliefs, yes in comparison today many cultures seem abhorrent, but at one time a good family afternoon out would be to go to the Coliseum and watch a man be torn to pieces. In order to understand some parts of the bible you have to remember the day in which it was written and what was happening. In Rome pedestary was acceptable, and was often related to homosexuality, men would have sexual relationships with young boys, the word paedophile didn't exist. Many of the temples of the goddess had temples of prostitution which also supported homosexuality which was seen as idolatry and forbidden in Judaism. Orgies were acceptable, remember people use to crap in front of each other and take public baths. Christianity and Judaism tried to reign things in a bit, and taught one man for one woman, in the beginning Eve was taken from Adam's side, and he recognised her as flesh of my flesh bone of my bones, and as such when they married they were seen as one flesh. Even in some Jewish Midrash Adama was an hermaphrodite. The bible New Testament also speaks about God as a hen who gathers her chicks under her wings Luke 13:34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, asahen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Eve hasnt' always been the woman to disobey, in Greek myth Pandora (all gifted) was the first human woman in which she opened a jar and released the evils of humanity.
Many ancient knowledge was passed on over centuries by word of mouth or in symbolism to avoid corruption or detection, anything that was written was often buried or hidden. Some documents were for future use, take for example the Sibyliline Books. You also had ancient rites of passage, and occult societies, loads of them in fact and all had initiation rites. Nietzsche at the end of his life went mad and believed he was the god Dionysus, that's no coincidence since there was a hidden initiation of Dionysus in the occult, hence Nietzsche a most influential figure in history was probably in a secret society, as many are.
The bible we have was written for the vulgar masses, the commoners, but they will admit that hidden in it still has to be the knowledge they have, but instead of looking to where the finger is pointing, most have got caught up with studying the finger. The bible points to the beginnings of civilisation at least, Cain was a farmer, and Abel a shepherd. Cain was the first to build a city. Having read the Hermetica there are similarities to the Logos and the word, however the gnostic sects and the Christianity today do not share the same belief.
The New Testament speaks of us becoming born not of natural means, but being born of God. For Christ to work within us and to return to our original state. It speaks of the spirit overcoming the lusts of the material (our bodily desires), the things that get us in trouble, and the things that advertising targets.
But if you are an atheist you only believe in the material. This means that the world has no meaning, it begun out of randomness and it will end so, and nothing you do here makes a difference if everything has no ultimate purpose and adds up to zero. See the thing is as an atheist I wanted to have meaning to my life, when there can't possibly be meaning, I am made up of firing signals from my brain, and the environment around me, I cannot believe in free will there is no ghost in the machine in materialism. So no matter what I do, and no matter if your children turn out to be surgeons, saints, doctors, revolutionists, and their children and their children, you cannot take credit for it because you are just a material being of firing neurons, and it will all end with the world ending and results in nothing, there is no admirer saying wow that's great, or wow that's awful, murderer or charity worker the end result is the same zero, but the ego still wants to get in there and say it does matter.
Darwin's grandfather was a 33 degree freemason, and he was the one who influenced Darwin to the idea of evolution. Thomas Huxley Darwins bulldog and also a member of the X-club, pushed the idea, even though Darwin was more prone to want to focus on a superior breed of intellect which is why the Darwin's interbred with the Wedgewood's and eventually ended up with mentally disabled children because unbeknown to him, "you have to spread the genes about a bit. " Darwin much like the other X-club members were concerned with Eugenics and the overbreeding of the common folk, he compared Black people closest to gorilla's and the Irish as breeding like rabbits. However, his faith was put in the fact that war, disease and poverty would control the numbers. Thomas Huxley's grandsons were Aldous Huxley who wrote a Brave New World which he openly admitted was a blueprint for world domination, he was the tutor of George Orwell who wrote 1984 and introduced him to the Fabian society. Julian Huxley was a eugenicist. So even down through the centuries the offspring of the most influential people in history are creating today's future, it's planned, and if you go back to Plato, Socrates you to will find a plan in place, and members of secret societies with occult practices.
Lesser known Russell Wallace also discovered the theory of evolution, however he believed that mans evolution had been helped by spiritual invention, which is interesting because some of the most influential men, Descartes, Francis Bacon, John Dee, Aleister Crowley were masons and believed in magic and contact with angels and demons who steered mankind's destiny.
As for stable boy, which I think is too good a term as stable boys are hard-working, his advisors are on the Trilateral Commission, just like Obamas, different puppets same string pullers.
Sorry Rosie if I have misunderstood you, but I couldn't see anywhere that you'd said anything of value or worth about the Bible, in what you wrote, it wasn't meant offensively. "Which is why the Bible is what it is yet zillions of people truly believe it is the WORD OF GOD not realizing it isn't any such thing. It is the words of various MEN written over decades whose anti-woman beliefs and political leanings controlled what went in and what stayed out through several Council of Niceae gatherings"
Simply to strengthen one another in faith. The more believers then the more people there are who care about one another and strengthen one another. It is the indwelling Spirit of God who leads us to help others. Now some religious communities may have particular involvements or charities. And I know of at least some which do assist asylum seekers. But many of us choose to help in our own communities instead. After all we will never be able to put an end to all suffering or misery in the world and we know we can only help alleviate a little portion of it ourselves which we try to do in whatever ways we choose. If you feel your God has called you to help these people then why not really help them and reach out to them personally instead of just making it part of a political revulsion. After all the American government is not a charitable organization nor can it end all pain and suffering in the world nor is it the responsibility of our government to do that! So start helping them yourself and stop expecting your government to do it for you.