Allegedly Pat Robertson said that those who oppose the president are revolting against what God's plan for America is. He allegedly said this on the "700 Club" show which I presumptuously assume people know about and watch and to which they listen. Pat Robertson fans must be the audience, right? So if what they say he said is true...that he really did say that... do you believe it's true and if so does God speak directly to you and/or can YOU read HIS mind too?
In a critical review of this book, Ephraim Radner wrote, "Lind and Heilbrun show how Robertson took over—in some cases word for word—well-worn theories of a Jewish conspiracy. In particular, Robertson relied on the work of Nesta Webster and Eustace Mullins. Robertson's tome was described as a 'catch all for conspiracy theories' by Christian academic Don Wilkey: A summary of Robertson’s book is found on page 177 in which Pat says a conspiracy has existed in the world working through Freemasonry and a secret Order of the Illuminati, a group combining Masons and Jewish Bankers
Not sure where Trump falls into being the answer since most of his advisors are on the Trilateral Commission, the same as most of the other presidents who have also been answerable to the Council On Foreign Relations by their own admission.