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Discussion » Questions » Family » Children are on loan to us. They are not here to fulfill our unrealized goals. We are not supposed to live through them and expect them to make our dreams come true. Right?

Children are on loan to us. They are not here to fulfill our unrealized goals. We are not supposed to live through them and expect them to make our dreams come true. Right?


Posted - June 28, 2016


  • 24

    Not literally. Yet they fulfill some of our goals, or else raising them would just be a chore. It's not a loan, as we're talking of human beings, not goods.

      June 28, 2016 8:17 AM MDT

  • 1264

    As you know I have no kids but I agree totally, parents should teach independence to their children and let them find out what their best at and run with it! 

      June 28, 2016 5:12 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I agree.  We are guidelines for them.  The better we are as role models the better foundation we lay for them.   IT may not work but not laying it is a sure way to cause them a boatload  of obstacles they do not need.  Life is difficult enough.

      June 28, 2016 5:24 PM MDT

  • 113301

    I disagree with thee. So what right? Thank you for your reply EQ and Happy Friday.Having children to fulfill some of YOUR goals? Not a good reason . It is indeed a loan while we guide them and teach them and protect them. When they are adults and are able to fend for themselves we release them and have no ownership over them. Raising children is a privilege  not a chore . Some people  ought not become parents because they are very lousy at it and think it is an imposition.

      July 8, 2016 4:49 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your reply BSurf and Happy Friday! :)

      July 8, 2016 4:50 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your reply Sharonna and Happy Friday! :)

      July 8, 2016 4:50 AM MDT