Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's how it's gonna go. The stable boy won't do a thing. January 3 when the Dems take over the gubment will open. Bet on it! Do ya?

Here's how it's gonna go. The stable boy won't do a thing. January 3 when the Dems take over the gubment will open. Bet on it! Do ya?

 Because the House will push through a bill and give it to the Senate which already signed a bi-partisan bill priorly to keep gubment OPEN. If stable boy doesn't sign it guess what happens then ? Congress OVERRIDES IT and passes it and stable boy proves for all time in front of the entire world the magnitude of his insignificance and uselessness and ultimate lack of power. I can hardly wait.

Posted - December 30, 2018


  • 11371
    Ya I can hardly wait too. Bet he will be in for another ego shattering if he closes the border. Cheers and Happy New Year!
      December 30, 2018 11:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think stable boy should seal it completely. That means nothing crosses in or out. I wonder how many millions of dollars of product cross those borders in trucks going to and from and how many tourists come in legitimately. Let him seal off the entire US of A at every border entry. See how well it goes over, how long it lasts and long before he is "strung up" figuratively and hangs himself metaphorically! Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Monday! :)
      December 31, 2018 1:11 AM MST

  • 19937

    The worst part of this entire situation is that a bi-partisan bill was sent to the Senate and Turkey Neck McConnell refused to bring it to the floor for a vote.  The Senate rules should be changed to reflect that any bi-partisan bill must be brought to a vote.  I don't care which party enjoys majority - this MUST become the rule.  One person should not be able to stop Congress from doing it's job.  Happy Sunday. :)

      December 30, 2018 11:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    I thought the Senate had produced a bi-partisansan bill that passed and was going to extend the deadline to February but stable boy rejected it L. In any case he is hanging himself and doing irreparable harm each day he takes a breath. There has to be an end somehow sometime some way. Are we there yet? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
      December 31, 2018 1:14 AM MST

  • 19937
    I may be a bill behind - I know there was one that McConnell wouldn't bring to the floor.  If there was one that he did bring, Trump refused to sign it.  Either way, the stalemate continues.  There have been comments here, not sure how accurate, that Congress could override Trump's veto, but they haven't done that either, if they could.
      December 31, 2018 8:10 AM MST

  • 10783
    Maybe so, but I bet Trump will take full credit for reopening it.  
      December 30, 2018 1:49 PM MST

  • 113301
    Yep he will. That is his nature. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Monday! :)
      December 31, 2018 1:14 AM MST