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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » However long the stable boy gubment shutdown lasts how do you as his spokeperson sell the folks on the great goodness of his heart?

However long the stable boy gubment shutdown lasts how do you as his spokeperson sell the folks on the great goodness of his heart?

How he is doing this all for them to keep them safe from harm of outsiders? How he should get some kind of prize for the wise because of his ultimatum and the fact that he is gonna stick to it come he** or highwater? What's your sales pitch gonna be to reel them in and keep them all content as they starve to death, lose their homes, become bankrupt?

Posted - January 2, 2019


  • 11371
    Well maybe he will try to convince them by saying that the wall will pay for it's self by taking back valuable real-estate  property.  Part of the wall will have to go through North American Native land - they don't want to sell  so that land would have to be taking by expropriation.  Some of the land is sacred to the Tohono Tribe but Trump would bull doze it in a heart beat for his wall. Cheers! 
      January 2, 2019 11:30 AM MST

  • 113301
    Boy that would be so unwise for the stable boy to do Nanoose. You see those lands, as you say, are SACRED and the ghosts of their ancestors will take revenge on whomever distrubs the land. I would not ever tread on sacred ground. Only the stupid dumbs do that and stable boy is the king of stupid dumbs. And the beat goes on! Thank you for your reply. Do you have many native tribes in Canada Nanoose?  :)
      January 3, 2019 3:03 AM MST

  • 11371
    We do but we call them - First Nations. Cheers!
      January 3, 2019 10:13 AM MST