Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » OKAYYYY Let's hear who knows about who Randy Credico is or Julian Assange? I wanna hear something or I'll assume YOU DO NOT KNOW.

OKAYYYY Let's hear who knows about who Randy Credico is or Julian Assange? I wanna hear something or I'll assume YOU DO NOT KNOW.

Posted - January 2, 2019


  • I didn't know Pootin is a Christian. :P
      January 3, 2019 8:06 AM MST

  • 17660
    What's up with your new screen name?  
      January 3, 2019 10:30 PM MST

  • 17095
    I don't know who Randy Credico is. Julian Assange is an Aussie hacker currently hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy, fearing extradition to the US over Wikileaks.
      January 4, 2019 12:33 AM MST

  • 4624

    Randy Credico - born 1954. Comedian and social activist.

    1991, began an intermittent campaign against the too harsh Rockefeller drug laws in New York state which had much more severe consequences for the poor and minority groups. 

    2009, Credico appeared the New York State Senate meeting on Open Gegernment, dressed as the Greek philosopher Diogenes the Cynic, ”seeking an honest politician.”

    2010, became a perennial candidate  for political office.2010 U.S. Senate election and ran as a Democratic primary challenger against Senator Chuck Schumer. He won 25,975 votes (0.6%), last among the four candidates.

    Credico sued the New York State Board of Elections under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Ammendment over the issue of ballot access. The Federal District Court for the Eastern District of New York ruled in favor of Credico.

    2013, ran for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of New York City and attracted 12,685 votes (2.0%). 

    Appeared on the ballot in the general election with 14 other candidates, on the Tax Wall Street line, receiving 654 votes (0.1%).

    2014, challenged incumbent Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary. He came in third among three candidates, with 20,760 votes (3.6%).

    2017, Roger Stone told the House Intelligence Committee that Credico was his intermediary with WIkileaks founder Julian Assange  to obtain information on Hillary Clinton. Credico was then subpoenaed to appear before the committee, and his attorney said he would comply. Credico subsequently asserted his 5th Amendment rights before an interview with the committee, which then released him from appearing. 

    2018, Credico's attorney made public that special counsel Mueller had subpoenaed Credico to testify before a grand jury in September 2018. According to his attorney, Credico intends to comply with the request. Mother Jones reported that Credico had received text messages from Roger Stone in January 2018 stating that Stone was seeking a presidential pardon for Assange. 

    NBC News revealed that through Julian Assange's attorney Margaret Ratner Kunstler, Credico knew on August 27, 2016, that Wikileaks would release information about the Hillary Clinton campaign in the near future and sent a text message to Roger Stone that "Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary.” Credico continued to give Stone updates about the subsequent release on Wikileaks of numerous emails stolen from Podesta and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

    ~ ~ ~

    Julian Paul Assange, born Julian Paul Hawkins; 3 July 1971, an Australian computer programmer, hacker, genius and a journalist who has devoted his life to making public information which governments keep secret, but which often, in the public interest, should not be secret.

    2006, founded Wikileaks

    2010, WikiLeaks published a series of leaks provided by Chelsea Manning: the Collateral Murder video, the Afganistan war logs, the Iraq war logs, and CableGate. 

    Following the 2010 leaks, the US launched a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks and asked allied nations for assistance.

    Sweden issued an international arrest warrant for Assange based on allegations of sexual assault and rape. Assange denied the allegations, and said that he would be extradited from Sweden to the US because of his role in publishing secret American documents. 

    Assange surrendered to UK police on 7 December 2010 but was released on bail within 10 days. Having been unsuccessful in his challenge to the extradition proceedings, he breached his bail and absconded, which is why he now lives in political asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy. 

    2016, WikiLeaks hosted emails sent or received by candidate Hillary Clinton from her private email server when she was Secretary of State. After the Democratic Party and cybersecurity experts claimed that Russian Intelligence had hacked Clinton campaign-related e-mails and leaked them to WikiLeaks, Assange said Clinton was causing "hysteria about Russia”. He consistently denied any connection to or cooperation with Russia in relation to the leaks.

    On 19 May 2017, the Swedish prosecutors dropped their investigation into the rape accusation against Assange and applied to revoke the European arrest warrant. The London Police indicated that an arrest warrant is still in force for Assange's failure to surrender himself to his bail. 

    The Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno has begun talks with British authorities to withdraw the asylum for Assange.

    Assange has published several books and won numerous awards for journalism.

    Assange’s life has been so packed with activities that it’s impossible to detail here.

    If people don’t reply, please do not make the assumption of ignorance. Most Muggers would think the question demanded too much time and too long an answer.

    There are a lot of very well informed and intelligent people on this site. Just because they joke around a lot doesn’t mean they are unaware of what’s going on, particularly in American politics.

      January 4, 2019 11:07 PM MST