Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Republican Speaker of the House JOHN BOEHNER at least had a sense of humor. Paul Ryan had none. Paul's legacy as Speaker is?

Republican Speaker of the House JOHN BOEHNER at least had a sense of humor. Paul Ryan had none. Paul's legacy as Speaker is?

Maybe cuz Ryan never wanted the job in the first place. Maybe cuz Ryan was the trumpican Speaker of the House and so was always behind the 8ball and slated for failure. He kowtowed to Nunes for goodness sakes and the White House and sided with the worst of them and against the Justice Department. A wishy washy spineless fella. Did nothing. Could not control his House. Could not get them to vote. He was not a good steward. Possibly the WORST Speaker ever? I dunno but we do know that Nancy Pelosi was very effective in the past and we hope she will be as effective futurely. To get her House in order and LEAD them not follow their whims and predilections and nutjob fantasies as did Ryan. Better he should have insisted on NOT taking the job. A blot on his record which was not sterling to begin with but surely has been exposed as leaden. Too soon old. Too late schmart.

Posted - January 5, 2019


  • 17036
    Ryan lost all credibility with that stupid "left-handed Irishmen" quote when he was Mitt's running mate.
      January 5, 2019 4:17 AM MST

  • 113301
    I either have forgotten or was never aware of what you are alluding to R. Couldja enlighten me please and thank you? When he sided with Nunes AGAINST the Justice Department I lost any modicum of respect for him which was always very tenuous and thin even in the best of times. He was on top of the world and the golden boy because of the "Ryan budget"! He was highly regarded. That's all gone. POOF! KABOOM! He didn't quit while he was ahead. I wonder why so many folks can't quit winners? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply R! :)
      January 5, 2019 4:55 AM MST

  • 17036
      January 6, 2019 12:45 AM MST

  • 113301
    Typical of a schlub like him. Mediocre average ordinary run-of-the-mill off-the-shelf nothing special robotic programmed inanimate. SIGH. Thank you for the link R. I wonder how wondrously fair he treats HIS wife?
      January 6, 2019 7:27 AM MST