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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You can always tell when trumpicans are terrified of someone. They attack insult lie about him/her/them. WHY SO MANY?

You can always tell when trumpicans are terrified of someone. They attack insult lie about him/her/them. WHY SO MANY?

The scairdy cat brigade is on the march in lockstep against all the women, all the dems, Nancy Pelosi, all the people who are now in power and will use to do the job they were elected to do. Unlike those they replaced who were all toady sycophant scairdy cats. Some still remain in the House but they are the MINORITY and some are in the Senate which is a shame but maybe there aren't so many of them. Imagine doing the job for which you were elected rather than badmouthing insulting lying about attacking the  opposition? That is the goal? That is what is accomplished? Who votes for that to represent them? Seriously folks is that WHAT YOU WANT in D.C.. .Lazya** folks whose only reason for being there is to denigrate desecrate demonize vilify exocoriate undermine the opposition? You want to pay them with your tax dollars for THAT?

Posted - January 5, 2019


  • 53665

      So why do you attack, insult and lie about things?  Are your attacks, insults and lies any different, any better or any worse than those you decry?
      January 5, 2019 6:27 AM MST