Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The seeds of America were planted in 1776. It had taken several centuries PLUS to watch it grow until the last 2 years. Now?

The seeds of America were planted in 1776. It had taken several centuries PLUS to watch it grow until the last 2 years. Now?

Whichever you prefer. It is now a SH**hole country transformed into one by a puppetlapdog stable boy OR
A satellite of Russia which the puppetlapdog stable boy also managed to accomplish. SIGH..

Both you say? Of course say I. In two years what took hundreds of years to grow has been destroyed.  Could you ever have imagined that?

Posted - January 6, 2019


  • 53664

      You're not presenting an accurate picture, especially using the wrong date. By the year 1776, the "seeds" had well been planted over 100 years previously. Nor was there any idealistic, bucolic, charming, quaint life during the last 200+ years. It took and had continued to take a well-executed plan of genocide, slavery, pillaging, oppression, domestic terrorism, foreign bullying, denial of people's rights, etc., to form and to maintain the United States of America.

      Your hatred for the current president conveniently allows you to pretend that skin color, race, ethnicity, gender, social class, economic standing, education level, access to legal assistance, place of birth native language and one's religion have always been used by the American power-brokers to trample "opponents". A review of truth indicates the real situation, not some starry-eyed falsehood that is thrusted upon readers in a propoganda-based parody.
      January 6, 2019 8:03 AM MST