None. There is NO INCENTIVE. Now everyone hangs on to his every word, snort, sneeze, hiccup, burp just in case he might lower the gun he holds to our heads. Will he or won't he? Should or shon't he? Does he or don't he? We are riveted to the screen every time he appears and preens and speaks his particular brand of gibberish nonsense. So he will not willingly give up this 24/7 spotlight. I don't know what it will take but he will regret it because he is never so alive as when he thinks everyone cares about every breath he takes every move he makes every word he speaks everytime he squeaks/creaks/reeks.. he wants YOU watching HIM and HIM ALONE and no one else. He was furious with all the attention given to Nancy Pelosi..his nemesis. He cahn 't stend being upstaged by a powerful intelligent strong independent experienced talented WOMAN. It galls him.