As soon as the New Dem Prez is inaugurated in January 2021 let the American people join in a CLASS-ACTION lawsuit against stable boy and everyone in his administration. Why not? Why can't you class-action a group of people who COLLUDED and CONSPITED to LIE to the AMERICAN PEOPLE who caused so much damage to so many people? Has it ever been done? Has there ever been a class-action lawsuit with hundreds of millions of plaintiffs joining together to sue one horrible terrible miserable defendant and his entire administration present AND past? Everyone who worked there and lied and lied and lied and lied and lied to us. Why should they get away with it? Why shouldn't we be the ones who laugh last because that is always the best laugh? They looked down on us and our intelligence and believed we would believe all their bullsh** . Our turn to look down on them as we know they are intelligent-light or they never would have worked for with under stable boy. Test it. See what happens. What could it hurt? Instead of building the $5 billion wall use that money to buy the very best lawyers in the country to serve THE PEOPLE.