I have times when I speak up. I have times when I clam up. I have times when I don't give a dam*!. It all depends on the subject matter being discussed. :)
So you're flexible then? You adjust conform react in different ways to different situations for different reasons. Seems reasonable to me ru. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
If I have knowledge of something and have an interest in it, I'll speak up usually only if it will add to the conversation. If I have little to no knowledge of what's being discussed I usually keep my mouth shut (clam up). Then there are some things that I don't give a dam* about and won't talk about. Usually because of the nature, be it obscene, atrocious, private, inappropriate, etc, subject matter. I'm not sure if that would be considered flexible or not but that's the way I've always been. :)
Survivors are flexible m'dear. If you don't bend you break. You don't seem like the kind of person who is rigid ru. I think being able to adjust/adapt is the only way to survive. Thank you for your reply! :)