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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you a fan of puzzles? Not crossword. The other kind? Ever try to jam a puzzle piece into a slot? More than one? How grotesque was it?

Are you a fan of puzzles? Not crossword. The other kind? Ever try to jam a puzzle piece into a slot? More than one? How grotesque was it?

First of all putting together many-pieces-puzzles  takes patience. It also takes a good eye to connect the empty spot with a likely piece that will fit. Some folks are wizards at it. Some take a very long time. The goal is the same. To put the puzzle together AS IT SHOULD BE not as you would like it to be.

Does that apply to everything in life? Jamming things where they don't belong and then complaining that it doesn't work? Whose fault is that? Easy does it.  Drop the frantic. Adopt the calm, the cool. RELAX. All puzzles are meant to be put together appropriately. No short cuts. No taking your scissors and cutting pieces to fit.  That's cheating.

So how good are you at puzzles?

Posted - January 12, 2019


  • 7280
    My favorite aunt had the patience of a saint---she was excellent and never had a puzzle that stumped her. She impressed me. 

    Unfortunately, I have very little patience.  Plus, personally I gained no additional information from completing the puzzle.   (Given the picture on the box, there were no surprises in store, so why bother?---it seemed a waste of time for a constant seeker of truth like myself, even as a child.)

      January 12, 2019 10:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    My baby sis always had a puzzle she was working on set up on a card table. I did ONE ONCE. Why? It was a picture of a Monet painting I loved bigly. I put it together very patiently and when it was done I coated it with something clear (I forget what...this was like 50 years ago) so the pieces would stick together. Then I framed it and hung up on the wall. From a distance you could not tell it was a puzzle. Otherwise I am notoriously IMPATIENT and not cut out for puzzles like that. My addiction to puzzles is limited to Crossword. I play a game called BESPELLED offline daily on my computer and my high score so far is 1.6 million. Some days I'm on a roll and can't lose until I reach an unbelievable high score. Other days I flame out early. I don't care. It is an addiction that I never plan to try to quit I see no harm in it. As for getting anything out of it? I do. SATISFACTION. That's what I got from my one puzzle pieces achievement! SATISFACTION. I don't know if you learn from it or not Matters not. Thank you for your reply tom!  :)
      January 13, 2019 2:54 AM MST