Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» As the drama plays out no matter what are y'all gonna STAND BY YOUR MAN ? Even if he is a threat to national security?
im not from usa but i always backed up trump. Hes not liked by many but i think hes doing a good job. the only thing that i dislike is how the north american trade deal was done, giving more favor to the american products and neglecting our own canadian products. the trade deal is bit of a loss because it give more benefit to the usa.
I suggest you read my answer to the question. You think you know what you are talking about because you have some opinion about one issue that you don't even have the facts right about. It is just what you want to think because to you, this is a big important opinion.
You like Trump because he makes even less sense than you do.
This man conspired with Russia (do you even know the history of America and Russia?) Do you even know Trump's history of graft and corruption in this country started by the racist ideas of his pig father? Or is that why you like Trump? Are you a white lover? That would explain a lot.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at January 12, 2019 11:45 AM MST
Really franc? SIGH. I am very puzzled by that. I totally disagree with you but so what. We are currently in the 22nd day of a government shutdown. 800,000 "furloughed" workers did not get paid. 420,000 of them are CRICITCAL so they have to go work every day and not get paid. Some will lose their homes. They are having food drives. The people who work from paycheck to paycheck are in dire straits. All because the ultimatum boy insists on getting his wall. He is thinking of diverting $14 billion set aside for disaster relief to his wall. That means the folks devastated by hurricanes will not get any relief. The FBI opened an investigation about him very early in his presidency because they believed he was a Russian agent and working against the best interests of America. He has so many investigations going on with regard to his criminal activities and illegal money laundering and doing business with hostile foreign nations that he hired SEVENTEEN LAWYERS (that's 17 added to what he has already and what he will have) and will have almost 40 lawyers working to keep him out of prison. He is a despicable horrible terrible evil man. And you always backed him up? Different strokes. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday.
He has conspired against the United States and sided with Russia to undermine our government. He deserves the worst punishment possible. Death.
He should be put to death. He is a menace and should be treated exactly as Bush treated Saddam Hussein. That was a travesty. Remember? Georgie Bush, deflected the nice partnership the Bush's and the Bin Ladden's had concerning oil rights. So, Bush sends us after Hussein. Not that Hussein didn't deserve it, he just happened to have no weapons of mass destruction.
This is worse. Trump deliberately put the USA in harm's way with our biggest foe, Russia. He deliberately alienated all our allies so that the USA would be even more vulnerable and he DID this because PUTIN has something over his head that he cannot escape. We are worth less to him than a trade deal with Putin.
i dotn agree that he deserves death... and when you say russia is our biggest enemy, i can say that yes, russia havent always been good with the usa but i think trump tries to be friendly to them, and it could be a good move to make the relationships with russia good.
You know what would be better than death sweetie? Lock him up for life and keep in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. No means by which he could contact the outside world. How long before he'd go mad? I'm gonna ask. That new info is a BLOCKBUSTER and may bust his balls (pardon the gross language but after all we are talking about a despicable evil person. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
Without getting bogged down in a political discussion about who is good, bad, or indifferent, I'll answer your question this way. As a Christian, I am to obey, though there are exceptions, governmental authorities whether it be Democrat or Republican.
However, obeying doesn't necessarily mean I'm standing by anyone, in particular, man or woman. Yes, I am to obey the government but obeying doesn't mean I trust or have to trust the government that I am obeying Democrat or Republican.
You're most welcome and thank you for asking the question. You and I may not always agree on everything but some of the questions you ask does get me to thinking about or rethinking about certain matters that I may have forgotten about or just dismissed for some reason.
To explain why I answered the way I did, I wasn't trying to avoid your question as it was asked, it's just that, although I am very interested in governmental matters, I am not interested in the heated and vitriol-filled arguments the subject brings with it. I'm in the process of trying to avoid answering most political questions and I have to say, it has done wonders for my attitude in general. You have a wonderful Sunday as well :)
Melania is the furthest thing from my mind Zack. It is the millions of trumpicans. The ultimatum man's adoring worshippers to whom I direct that question. The FBI opened an investigation after he fired Comey based on their thinking he might well be a Russian plant working against the best interests of America! That investigation was rolled into what Mueller took on and so you see all his adoring defenders are now defending a person who quite likely is a traitorous treasonous lapdog puppet of Vlad Putin. Russia is the centerpiece of all the investigations. All of them have been, are and will be forever in bed with Russia.All of them LIED ABOUT CONTACTS WITH RUSSIANS. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at January 13, 2019 1:43 AM MST