I'm not and smoker or ex smoker Rosie.....but standing next to or being in a room with some one that does smoke or has had one is not a pleasant thing.......it lingers on their bodies,in their hair and on their clothing....
My whole family doesn't smoke....I'm amazed that at £11 pounds a packet of 20 ...I'm supprised that anyone can afford then still... They must have money to burn I think.....:(
My sister and brother-in-law smoked for years. They both quit COLD TURKEY on my brother-in-law's 50th birthday. He is now 80! You should hear them go off on smokers if any happen to be around and they have to breathe in the polluted air they always leave behind. I mean I don't think much of those who smoke but I don't go ballistic about it. They do. Weird. I think smokers ruin their looks (smokers wrinkle more), they always stink (perfume or after shave doesn't cover up the stench...it just makes it more nauseating), yellows their teeth and stains their fingers. It's really a most oddball way of "taking care of yourself" but there is some draw there they cannot resist so they don't. And they die of lung cancer. Or their second-hand smoke causes their loved ones to die of emphysema (that's how and why my sister-in-law died). I don't get it. Thank you for your reply D! :) My dad smoked a lot when I was kid but that's when doctors advertised the benefits of smoking cigarettes. No one knew supposedly that they were death sticks both first-hand and second-hand. Well we know now so what's their excuse?
This post was edited by RosieG at January 15, 2019 2:18 PM MST
I belive when Captain Drake or whoever discovered it in south america ...he brought it back to England and it became compulsory to be smoked it the real upper crust schools like Eaton and Westminster....
People that smoke though seem to have more rights than those that don't though...:(
They willingly shorten their lives, ruin their looks, bring on pain to themselves and alienate the non-smokeres since mostly they light up wherever it's allowed and don't give a rat's a** about anyone else. I had double pneumonia decades ago and so when I encounter cigarette smoke I start coughing and have a hard time breathing. There are lotsa folks like me who have to put up with crapped-up air just so a smoker can get his/her fix. I think all smoking should occur in the smoker's car with windows shut. I think I'll ask a question about it. Thank you for your reply D and Happy Wednesday to thee! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at January 16, 2019 3:17 AM MST
I'd like to which is why I asked a question about it. Confine them to their cars with windows closed and their homes with doors and windows closed. The only legal places they can smoke. That way they get inhale all that crapped up air themselves and won't have to share it! Thank you for your reply D! :)
Sure. That's the problem. I have to breathe the crappy air they leave behind which is PRECISELY WHY I want that crap air confined to closed quarters. Their cars or homes. Period. So they get to breathe all the crapped up air they created and I don't have to. Seems very fair to me. I want CLEAN AIR. They don't care. Fine with me as long as they take their air to an elsewhere. Thank you for your reply D! :)
He needs his bum smacked then for starting such a filthy habit..... The government must love it and be so against totally banning it......How do you replace the billions in tax revenue if they ban it.....and also the loss of jobs and the tax they loose form those that's employed in making and distributing them..... Profits must always come before common sense.....
I read that treating cost the NHS a fraction of what they raise in taxes....some years ago it was in all our news papers If they ever banned it totally....how much more would they actually loose for from all the people that make and sell it ,plus the Business rates on all the factories that make and deliver the daily....all the workers an the manafacture of the machines that make them....shipping costs it's got to be countless billions .... How would they make up that money loss....I'm sure the government won't take a cut in wages... they only know the words for more ,not less...
I think it's because they can never get over being hooked on something so harmful and so are especially sensitive to those who keep doing it. I never asked them. I've just observed them. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Wednesday. I have an idea about smokers which I'm gonna ask a question about. See whatcha think if you have the time! :)
I quit years ago for financial reasons (it's expensive in Australia, tobacco taxes are equivalent to robbery with volience). I'm not hostile towards smokers exactly, I just refuse to listen when they kvetch about being broke.
What about the crapped-up air R? Does that not bother you having to breath it? Can folks use food stamps to buy cigarettes I wonder? Do they have food stamps in Australia. I was shocked that Nick got booted out in the first round! I wonder what others shocks are gonna happen? Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday to thy! :)