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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When it's said about someone "they broke the mold when they made him/her" it's a compliment. Hope ultimatum boy's mold was CRUSHED.Do you?

When it's said about someone "they broke the mold when they made him/her" it's a compliment. Hope ultimatum boy's mold was CRUSHED.Do you?

Not a compliment. One of him is one too many for the world to have to endure. Why we were so unlucky that he was here during our time here we may never know. Our bad luck.

Posted - January 16, 2019


  • As long as there is a lunatic fringe in government or culture(Dems, libs, socialists and other ignoramuses), we'll need about a hundred Trumps to have a chance of fighting back. 
      January 16, 2019 9:19 AM MST