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"Thinking makes it so" doesn't make it so. What does?

Posted - January 19, 2019


  • 10469

    When I hear or see "make it so" I always think of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (told you I was a Trekker).  After he gave an order he often added, "make it so".  He didn't simply think for the navigator to "take us to warp 2", no, he told them.  Communication.  We can think of infinite things (our imaginations are boundless).  We can create castles, live in mansions, create grand works of art, fantasize about the man or woman of our dreams, go to outer space or the depths of the oceans - all in our imagination.  However, unless we act on (do) those thoughts, they will only be that - thoughts.  Its actions that "make it so".  An artist imagines what he wants and then paints it.  Someone wondered what was under the waves of the sea - and then made a way to go there.  Someone imagined going to the moon - and we went there (and beyond).   Someone imagined a world where they flipped a device in their hand to communicate (Kirk to Enterprise) - we have flip-phones.  Someone imagined a small portable device they could use to read/write information and then show it to someone else - we have the "iPad".  They acted on their imaginations. No, not everything we can imagine is possible (nor should it be).  But we'll never know ... unless we try.  

    "Make it so, number  one"
      January 19, 2019 11:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    "Make it happen". The today version. Orders. Commands. Demands. Ultimatums." Mexico will pay for the wall." MAKE IT HAPPEN. "Make America Great Again". MAKE IT HAPPEN.  Talk is cheap especially when the words involved are spoken by a traitor, treasonous operator, evildoer. "Imagination is funny. It makes a cloudy day sunny...". We see what we want to see and nothing more ever after. Some say the moon landing was a hoax. Never happened except on a secret soundstage somewhere. And some say the Holocaust never happened. Some even have said that the Sandy Hook school slaughter of children never happened. Deniers are liars and conspiracy believers and truth never gets in the way of their cockamamie wackadoodle beliefs. How do we cope with the crackpots and peculiar people? Do we ignore tham or incarcerate them or ship them off to far-off island forever? I dunno Shuhak. The peculiars seem to have the upper hand these days. The evildoers are in charge. They imagine horrific terrible things and implement them. Imagination is a two-edged sword, a two-way street. I wonder what lies in the imaginary of the mind of Putin? World dominion? He has the perfect minion doing his bidding and doing a heckuva job for him. To our great dishonor distress discomfort and despair. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Sorry for the downer but today I'm down in the dumps. Happy Sunday! :)
      January 20, 2019 3:39 AM MST