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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The "boss" said most gubment workers were Democrats. Apparently not. Red state trumpicans are being hurt by him. Is he an INGRATE or a LIAR?

The "boss" said most gubment workers were Democrats. Apparently not. Red state trumpicans are being hurt by him. Is he an INGRATE or a LIAR?

He lives in a world of delusion. He knows his base. They show up daily to make excuses. Defend. Support. Approve. Enable. Facilitate. Excuse. Justify. Rationalize.  His kinda guy they think is just precisely great! Fine and dandy. Sugar and candy. Handy. Carry on y'all. How far are you willing to fall to protect him and pretend what he does is for you and not for himself Putin and the obscenely wealthy?  That he is patriotic noble honorable with the highest standards you have ever seen in anyone ever before during or since or after?

Posted - January 23, 2019


  • 34982
    Nancy needs to come to the table. The President has offered everything the Dems said they wanted. It is time to negotiate....that means both sides give a little. One side does not simply get to say No...not one dollar. You would think she would care but not she just worried about playing politics.
      January 23, 2019 6:50 AM MST

  • 6023
    Personally, I've found that government workers' political leanings tend to tie to what agency they work in.
    Military and law enforcement tend to be conservative.
    "Welfare" (child services, education, food stamps, etc) tend to be liberal.

    DMV seems to be "don't give a damn about anything but myself".  LOL
      January 23, 2019 6:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    I didn't realize that Walt. So the military/law enforcement are not very caring/kind/considerate/sympathetic and the social services folks are. Well that makes sense. You wouldn't find any self-respectig cold-hearted hard-hearted heartless trumpican doing anything anywhere for anyone in need. They lose cred doing that. SIGH. Sad. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
      January 23, 2019 8:10 AM MST

  • 6023
    I wouldn't say that.

    I'd say it comes down more to how they see who is "at fault" for an individual's actions lie.
    The law types tend to be more personal responsibility (conservative), and the welfare types tend to be more social responsibility (liberal).

    The truth, of course, is that there is a mix of the two.
    We are all responsible for our own actions - but we are shaped by our environment.
    EG: A better education tends to lead towards better life choices.  (But there are exceptions to every rule)
      January 23, 2019 10:39 AM MST

  • 113301
    So whom do the conservative military law and order types see as being RESPONSIBLE for the current situation then? Do they fault him or support him as people are standing in bread lines (literally) and being evicted and being unable to buy meds for their kids and having to choose between CHEMO and paying the rent? Whom do you blame for it and why? Just wondering. I say that those who support the "boss" care not at all about those in need. Care not at all about what is right and just and fair and honorable. They care not at all about any of those things if they full on support him. They cannot possibly find anything I would call good in him. What does that say about them? They care not about the thousands of children permanently (probably) separated from their parents currently living in kennels and cages or in tent cities in the Texas desert. Nor do they care about the people being forced to work without pay. Anything the "boss" does is A-OK. How is that anything other than evil reprehensible disgusting? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Thursday. Wonder what evildoing will be perpetrated today by the Putin puppet? SIGH. This post was edited by RosieG at January 24, 2019 4:17 AM MST
      January 24, 2019 4:16 AM MST

  • 6023
    Whom do I personally blame for the current situation?

    Both major political parties and the major "news" media ... all of whom (as I said in the past) have been pushing America in the direction of "hard" divisiveness for at least 30 years.  They are also responsible for brainwashing citizens to believe there are only 2 "legitimate" choices for political parties.

    I also blame the public school system for doing it's job ... which was designed not to educate, but to indoctrinate.  So for generations, it has been producing graduates trained not to question authority.  Sure, some do - but that's a minority.  And even most of them "belong" to a political party to the point of unquestioningly following that party - so they only question the "other" authority.  It is also responsible for those who choose to not vote, rather than attempt to take back control of government.
      January 24, 2019 8:07 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Walt. I appreciate your honestly stated views. I disagree with most of them but so what, right? None of it matters in terms of power to change a dam* thing. If you had power or I had power and we were competing for influence and control it would matter. It doesn't amount to a grain of sand. And so it goes. My son is a college professor. I have always admired teachers the most of all for my entire life. They opened the world to me intellectually from a very young age. Most of them were great. A few were MARVELOUS. A few tried hard but were not gifted in the art of teaching and that was fine. Only one was a lemon. She taunted me from the day I went into her class. I had skipped a few grades and she would always begin when she called on me which she did with great regularity by mispronouncing my name and following it with "since you are so smart". I was painfully shy and in the 6th grade for GOD'S sake! Her name was Miss Nyburg and she was a wrinkled bleached blond who took an instant dislike to me and I never knew why. Then there were the teachers who stretched my mind and my curiousity and challenged me to go places  I never thought I could go because though I was a good student I lacked confidence in myself. So you see I will never listen to any badmouthing of teaching and teachers since I have experienced only good things with that one exception of a crazy addled miserable woman. But so what right? You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine and sometimes they agree and sometimes they don't! :) I taught my son to read early and we got his library card when he was three. All parents can do that if they care enough to get their children off to a good start but they are lazy and they wait for a complete stranger in the public school system to do what they should have done years before. Children learn best early and by the time THEY ARE SIX they are pretty formed. That's when the poor teacher gets them and then is expected to work miracles! Well that's not fair. Just my views. Apologies for being so long-winded but you struck a sensitive spot. This post was edited by RosieG at January 24, 2019 8:21 AM MST
      January 24, 2019 8:17 AM MST

  • 6023
    Note I'm not saying teaching isn't a noble profession ... but their job is to have kids learn the textbooks. 
    And today, they mainly "teach to the test" because those test scores are how most schools get funding.
    Even if they encourage students to challenge the textbooks, that does little good - because "the test" is based on the textbook.

    The first things schools cut from budgets are things that help students be creative and think for themselves:
         Home Economics
         "Trade" classes (aka "Shop", "Woodworking", etc)

    Honestly, I believe history classes in High School should not have official textbooks.
    It should involve the students researching all aspects (points of view) of the subject.
        EG: a semester on WWI and WWII should have the students researching all the issues leading up to the conflict and consequences afterwards, not just reading a textbook written from the winning point of view and a list of battles.
      January 24, 2019 9:04 AM MST

  • 46117
    I.  He is the Grand Wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
    2.  Racist
    3. Hater
    4. Uneducated
    5. Liar
    6.  Killer
    7.  Cheater
    8.  Thief
    9.  Traitor
    10.  Fornicator
    11.  Warmonger

    He has denigrated the GOP past the point of no return.  There is no way we can call the party Republican or GOP or Grand Old Anything thanks to this carcinogenic pig who destroyed a failing operation that has been going down hill since Bush took office, maybe even Reagan.

      January 23, 2019 7:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    Every day America becomes weaker and a better target for the enemies we have. Another 9/11 on puppetboy's watch this time? Why should he care? He doesn't. Neither do his supporters. All he cares about is himself and all they care about is him. That's why his doring worshippers and he get on so well. They all believe he is the greatest and smartest the best the bravest. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      January 23, 2019 8:12 AM MST