Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » PECULIAR puppet boy. He "low IQ'd" and "Pocahantassed" and "Lyin" other Dem women. All he can come up with for Nancy Pelosi is NANCY?

PECULIAR puppet boy. He "low IQ'd" and "Pocahantassed" and "Lyin" other Dem women. All he can come up with for Nancy Pelosi is NANCY?

Is he terrified of her or what? The scairdy cat Putin puppet boy doesn't DARE fling his pathethic sophomoric pedestrian dull typical average uncreative unintelligent insult as he does to all other women whom he demeans denigrates insults to Nancy Pelosi? What does he think she will do to him beside making him progressively more impotent and hollow as she has already done? Ever seen anything like it before? He went so far over the edge with other women but with Nancy he is not saying anything that might upset or anger her? Sheesh.

Posted - January 24, 2019


  • 46117
    His polls are way lower than hers are.  Maybe he cannot lie to himself about that one.

      January 24, 2019 12:34 PM MST

  • 113301
    He is flat TERRIFIED of her. Period. His backing down as he did is proof enough that she holds the upper hand with him and he knows she cannot be bullied. She said NO to him. What other anyone every said NO? Except for all the folks who are being grievously harmed lots of fun ahead. I just wish that everyone who is suffering because of him voted for him. SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      January 25, 2019 1:26 AM MST