Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL. We know they won't so he lied. What makes you think NO COLLUSION/WITCH HUNT aren't lies too?
Everyone knows that Sharon I guess. His adoring supporters know it too but the difference is they don't give a rat's a** about his treasoning or traitoring or sucking up to Putin. They don't. Why that is will always remain a puzzle to me personally. Anyway the guy caved and got nothing for his 35-day torture of Americans. They will not soon forget. He is such a dimwit. He could not foresee this because he has no vision at all. He lives only in the moment. In the now. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
Rational people knew mexico wouldn't pay for a wall. One doesn't (willingly) pay for something that doesn't benefit them. A very wealthy person owns a 250 acre ranch in Oregon that has a tree on the property that might fall (not on anything or anyone). Are you going to pay to have that tree removed for them? Saying Mexico would pay for a wall was nothing more than a phrase that got people to "cheer". Had no one cheered it the "ego in chief" would've dropped it (no glory for him in that). His only desire is to have his ego stroked. However, some actually believed him (first mistake). The more he shouted it, the more they believed it (even though it was clearly an impossibility). The more they cheered the more his ego was stroked. Since the "wall" gives him the attention he so desperately craves, he will not - cannot "drop it".
Rational people have no doubt that the "ego in chief" is guilty (of a lot of things). The problem is that he doesn't think he is. To him what he did was "SOP" (everyone else was doing it). Bit by bit the truth comes out - guilty! Yet he knows that if he ever admitted fully to everything he's done (and the list would be astronomical), his massive ego would suddenly be alone (out of the spotlight for "25-50 years", inside an orange jumpsuit). So, being his best (and only) friend, he'll say and do anything to avoid that.
Washington is the stage, the world is the audience, and, in the "ego in chief's" eyes, he's the star act (everyone look at me). To him, everyone else is just an "extra"; there to his bidding and to enhance his magnificence. The world is seated and the spotlight comes on. The pompous star steps out onto the stage and adlibs his act (a superstar doesn't need a script). The audience laughs. Sadly, he doesn't realize that they aren't laughing with him, they're laughing AT him. He trash talks the extras. The audience laughs. He hires and fires extras as if he were the producer. The audience laughs. He lies. The audience laughs. He sets fire to the stage and theater. The audience laughs.
As the theater burns down around him, the laughter becomes a roar. The conceited actor thrusts out his chest and tells himself..."they like me... they really like me!".
Thank you for another very thoughtful and dare I say very poetic reply Shuhak. Puppet boy is mortally wounded. This is his second BIG LOSS in a couple of days. He backed down on his State of the Union Speech demand(PELOSI WON)_ and just backed down on his grand scheme to hold us hostage(THE GOOD GUYS WON). Third strike is just around the corner. He is a pathetic and humiliated LOSER. Some dealmaker. Ann Coulter wrote that GHW Bush is no longer the wimpiest prez. Guess who is? So does he shut down gubment again to get back in her good graces? He has no foresight or plan. He lives in the moment and is totally flummoxed when what he does/says turns back on him and whacks the crap outta him. A tumble weed "brain". Happy Saturday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at January 26, 2019 10:16 AM MST
No one believed Mexico was going to write a check for the wall. They would pay in fees or improved trade deals/deficits. We have an improved trade deal with Mexico and Canada to be made official soon.
Personally, I did not and do not care if Mexico or USA pays for the wall. As long as it is built.
To what end? Illegals are flying in, and drugs are coming through perfectly legal points of entry concealed in legally impoted goods - often coffee. A pointless wall would merely be a monument to His Royal Orangeness's ego, and it can never be built. Even if America lost its collective mind, failed to impeach him and (God forbid) re-elected him, the inevitable appeals to eminent domain claims will drag on more than six years. Ergo, no wall.
There are people who come in daily through the border....no one has said the wall is the be all and end all but it is needed and will help with those illegally crossing the border. Yes, we also need a better system to remove those who overseas their visas etc. But that does not negate the need for a border wall/fence/barrier.
No, drugs are coming through the border as well. If all were coming through the ports of entry then we would catch it all.
We know most thieves prefer to break into a house when no one is home, but that does not mean we do not lock our doors and windows when we are home.
If walls are pointless or immoral why does not Pelosi call for CA's border wall to be removed along with the nearly 700 miles of border fence built by Obama and Bush W? No, instead CA was first in line to get their border fence upgraded. Hypocrites.