Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do any of you consider COMEDY shows to be reality? Do you conflate them with news? You do know they are all make-believe right?

Do any of you consider COMEDY shows to be reality? Do you conflate them with news? You do know they are all make-believe right?

Comedy writers get in a room with one another and bounce ideas off one another and go for laughs. Their work IS NOT BASED ON TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. It is based on looking cockeyed at what goes on in the real world and going on a riff about it taking a comedic slant. There are various kinds of  comedy. Slapstick. Dry wit. Political. Dumb and dumber. IT IS ALL PRETEND and not meant to be taken verbatim as truth. That anyone doesn't know that seems kinda odd to me. But well there ya have it. Caricatures are exaggerations of real people. They are not meant to be PHOTOGRAPHS. They are meant to be those dreamy fuzzy landscapes you see through the rain and the mist. If someone has a large nose it is made even larger in a CARICATURE. No one takes them LITERALLY. So too is that true of comedy shows which also should not be taken LITERALLY. You laugh if you think something is funny. You don't if you don't. Period. End of story. Oy vey.

Posted - January 27, 2019


  • 23819

    (I saw the earlier posts -- I had sort of the same reaction as you.)


      January 27, 2019 5:07 PM MST

  • 113301
     Hi there m'dear! I was shocked stunned and gobsmacked! That anyone would accuse a comedy show of telling lies and that being a BAD thing. Fairy tales are not true. Science Fiction starts off not true and then later sometimes they become true. Sure you can be offended if someone you adore is being made fun of. I get that. But to accuse a comedy showing of spreading lies? WHAT? SERIOUSLY? I dunno WQ. I guess that is taking serious way too far and capturing everything in it. No room for ridicule. Thank you for your very welcome reply "eagle eye" and Happy Monday! :) ((hugs))
      January 28, 2019 12:39 AM MST