Is that really how ya wanna go? Pigging out on foods that will kill ya? Why?
Foods that are unhealthy are cheaper than healthy foods.
There's not much money to be made with healthy foods (fruits, veggies and such). The money's in junk food! Have you ever walked into a store and NOT seen soda on sale? How often are chips NOT on sale? These are high markup products (more profit for the store). The cheaper they make them, the more they sell. The more they sell, the more they make. The more they manufactures sell, the cheaper it it becomes to manufacture them. $$$$$
Fast food joints stick extra sugar in their products (not to much). They spend billions of dollars to find out just how much sugar to add to make the brain of the consumer release feel good hormones. This makes one want more - so they buy more. It only costs them pennies to make the stuff they sell (even at seemingly "discount prices"), so they reap a huge profit (despite what they may say).
People are dumb - despite what they may think. Manufactures take advantage of this. They use phrases like "diet", low-calorie", gluten free", "lite", "organic" to make people think their products are "good to eat". Many of these terms don't mean what people think they do. And so they buy them - by the droves! $$
Back in the 70's, manufactures learned of a new chemical that would replace expensive sugar - High Fructose Corn Syrup. This new sweetener only cost pennies to make, so manufactures stuck it in virtually everything. They also leaned to disguise "sugar" by using other names in a products ingredients (eg. Dextrose, Sucrose). Most people don't read ingredients and only a percentage of those that do know what they're reading. Sugar can equal empty calories. ($$$)
Which is easier to get - fast food or health food. Answer - fast food. It's everywhere and its quick (no cooking required, great when one's in a hurry, kids love it). Big Mac, fries and a drink - viola, instant meal. Need a quick lunch so you can get back to the office? Just grab a deli sandwich.. oh, and how about that bag of chips they stock so conveniently near the counter (and push when you pay).
Money, money, money! People work themselves to death just to obtain money (gotta have it to live). They put in long hours, overtime, work weekends, even work multiple jobs. Time is money and people have neither. Who Has time to exercise? Maybe a few visits to a gym once or twice a year. Mostly people sit on their butts. Why go anywhere or see anyone else when your phone brings it to your fingertips? (sit and text)
Our waistlines grow faster than our bank accounts. Up pop "diets". "Follow my diet and you're guaranteed to lose weight!" Most people only see 2 words - lose weight. Who cares if the so-called "diet" is unhealthy. So long as I can fit into last year's swimsuit before summer. So they deprive themselves of things like fat, carbs, calories, gluten - and more, thinking that this will "magically" help them lose weight. Oh, one may lose a few pounds, but not what they want (is the weight they lost water, muscle or fat?). They see these "customers" who lost hundreds of pounds on such-and-such diet and think they will too. Wrong! Those "diets" only make their creators rich. Proper diet, exercise and moderation is the best diet (unless told otherwise by a doctor). Otherwise... you might want to think about super-sizing your coffin. You'll be needing it sooner than you think.