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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Almost half of US adults have high blood pressure or heart disease. A huge percentage of them are OBESE. Will we eat ourselves to death?

Almost half of US adults have high blood pressure or heart disease. A huge percentage of them are OBESE. Will we eat ourselves to death?

Is that really how ya wanna go? Pigging out on foods that will kill ya? Why?

Posted - February 1, 2019


  • 46117
    It is not amount, it is quality.  We are eating empty, processed, irradiated, empty calories.

    That is what causes disease and that is what is killing all of us.
      February 1, 2019 11:27 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Saturday. Ever go to a restaurant with a buffet? Ever notice the overladen plates of the more corpulent who keep returning to get more food versus the size of the plates of those who are "regular" in size? I believe many eat elephant-sized portions of everything all the time. Just my observation. Yours differ. That's fine. 
      February 2, 2019 1:43 AM MST

  • 44738
    I've seen that too many times. I no longer eat at buffets, as I can't eat my money's worth.
      February 3, 2019 5:32 AM MST

  • 10780

    Foods that are unhealthy are cheaper than healthy foods.

    There's not much money to be made with healthy foods (fruits, veggies and such).  The money's in junk food!  Have you ever walked into a store and NOT seen soda on sale?  How often are chips NOT on sale?  These are high markup products (more profit for the store).  The cheaper they make them, the more they sell.  The more they sell, the more they make.  The more they manufactures sell, the cheaper it it becomes to manufacture them.  $$$$$

    Fast food joints stick extra sugar in their products (not to much).  They spend billions of dollars to find out just how much sugar to add to make the brain of the consumer release feel good hormones.  This makes one want more - so they buy more. It only costs them pennies to make the stuff they sell (even at seemingly "discount prices"), so they reap a huge profit (despite what they may say).

    People are dumb - despite what they may think.  Manufactures take advantage of this.  They use phrases like "diet", low-calorie", gluten free", "lite", "organic" to make people think their products are "good to eat".  Many of these terms don't mean what people think they do.  And so they buy them - by the droves!  $$ 
    Back in the 70's, manufactures learned of a new chemical that would replace expensive sugar - High Fructose Corn Syrup.  This new sweetener only cost pennies to make, so manufactures stuck it in virtually everything.  They also leaned to disguise "sugar" by using other names in a products ingredients (eg. Dextrose, Sucrose).  Most people don't read ingredients and only a percentage of those that do know what they're reading.  Sugar can equal empty calories. ($$$)

    Which is easier to get - fast food or health food.  Answer - fast food.    It's everywhere and its quick (no cooking required, great when one's in a hurry, kids love it).  Big Mac, fries and a drink - viola, instant meal.  Need a quick lunch so you can get back to the office?    Just grab a deli sandwich.. oh, and how about that bag of chips they stock so conveniently near the counter (and push when you pay).  

    Money, money, money!  People work themselves to death just to obtain money (gotta have it to live).  They put in long hours, overtime, work weekends, even work multiple jobs.  Time is money and people have neither.  Who Has time to exercise?  Maybe a few visits to a gym once or twice a year.  Mostly people sit on their butts.  Why go anywhere or see anyone else when your phone brings it to your fingertips?  (sit and text)

    Our waistlines grow faster than our bank accounts.  Up pop "diets".  "Follow my diet and you're guaranteed to lose weight!"  Most people only see 2 words - lose weight.  Who cares if the so-called "diet" is unhealthy.  So long as I can fit into last year's swimsuit before summer.  So they deprive themselves of things like fat, carbs, calories, gluten - and more, thinking that this will "magically" help them lose weight.  Oh, one may lose a few pounds, but not what they want (is the weight they lost water, muscle or fat?).  They see these "customers" who lost hundreds of pounds on such-and-such diet and think they will too.  Wrong! Those "diets" only make their creators rich.  Proper diet, exercise and moderation is the best diet (unless told otherwise by a doctor).  Otherwise... you might want to think about super-sizing your coffin.   You'll be needing it sooner than you think.

      February 1, 2019 2:36 PM MST

  • 113301
    D'ya remember the olden days when FAT was a nasty 3-letter word? Everything became NON-FAT! Now flavor resides in fat. Fat stays with you longer and is more satisfying. What to do? Replace the fat they took out with SUGAR to flavor it up. So the folks stopped buying "whole milk" yogurts and milks and read labels assiduously to know what the "fat" content was. Completely ignoring SUGAR and SALT and all the extra crap they put into foods like hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils. The FAT-FREE craze was on. But because fat-free foods are not satisfying at all folks had to eat more and more and more of them. They couldn't out figure why they were STILL FAT! Or they'd lose weight then gain it back in typical predictable yo-yo fashion. If you understand what foods are healthy (there are quite a few GOOD fats) and what foods aren't and do comparison shopping you can eat well without going broke! For example beans are VERY HEALTHY. Cook them from scratch. Make them the mainstay of your diet. So are whole grains. Buy them in the dry beans and grain aisle and cook them yourself. Add to them vegetables of which there are zillions from which to choose. Watch for sales on berries. Learn which fruits have less natural sugar and eat more of them. Nuts and seeds have much nutritional benefit. Add them to salads or munch on them as a snack instead of potato chips. Everything you wrote is true but we can overcome the hype and eat well and eat healthy and not spend tons of money. it's just that Americans are too dam* lazy. Too lazy to spend the time in the kitchen to provide the family with healthy food to eat.  Too dam* lazy to teach their kids how to read BEFORE they go to school to give them a break and a leg up on loving learning. Anything that's fast serves them. So they can spend time on what they really like. Shopping or gambling or traveling or whatevering.  They get furious at you for talking about how to keep kids healthy. Michelle Obama was excoriated for wanting kids to exercise and learn where vegetables come from. Remember the vegetable garden she planted with kids helping? The puppet boy got rid of that immediately. He HATES exercise. The outrage that she dare tell parents how to help their kids be healthier was unlike anything I've ever seen! "How dare you tell me how to raise my kids! It's none of your dam* business what I feed them or that I let sit on their a**es all day long in front of a computer screen or on the sofa with a cell phone in hand playing games or texting". It's disgusting how obtuse so many parents are about what they are doing to their children. SIGH. And the beat goes on. Fat happy and sassy? Is that the way to go?I dunno. Happy Saturday Shuhak!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 3, 2019 6:33 AM MST
      February 2, 2019 2:03 AM MST

  • 14795
    More then have to stop making foods large..and take long weights between meals....stop eating all processed foods...stop drinking Coke and diet free drinks..and cut out all trans fatty foods.....stop eating all GM food stuffs ......It will never ever happen Rosie....your huge food conglomerates will never ever allow it.....
    No one in their right minds kills the Cash Cows...... No matter who it hurts....
      February 1, 2019 3:04 PM MST

  • 13277
    weights waits
      February 1, 2019 3:11 PM MST

  • 14795
    It was intentionally actually ....hehe.    :) 

    Ive missed you so....:)D 
      February 1, 2019 3:14 PM MST

  • 113301
    And what group is main LOSER? Children. There is an epidemic in America of OBESE children. Usually their parents are also OBESE so I expect such parents feel delighted that their kids mirror them, reflect them, are like them. They are prone to many diseases because of that. But the parents march on oblivious to their role in creating the lives they create for their children. Obtuse. Oblivious. Ignorant. No excuse. It disgusts me bigly D. Michelle Obama planted a vegetable garden on the White House grounds when she was FIRST LADY and had kids help her plant the seeds and watch the veggies grow and then harvest them. She also was instrumental in getting kids to get up and EXERCISE. Ya know what she got for that? Kvetching bit**ing moarning groaning complaining. The nature of it? "What the he** business is it of hers HOW I raise my kids? What I feed them?. Butt out Michele. None of your dam* business". When puppet boy took over he immediately got rid of the vegetable garden. It figgers. He LOVES FAT. He loves OBESE. He HATES EXERCISE. Where that leaves the children is not in a good place. He is a gawd-awful role model and yet these parents think he is swell as he** and would love their kids to be just like him. SIGH. It is a losing battle. Poor kids. They never had a chance! Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Saturday ! :) ((hugs)) This post was edited by RosieG at February 3, 2019 5:39 AM MST
      February 2, 2019 2:12 AM MST

  • 14795
    I watched two tv programs Thursday night Rosie.....they just came on to Sky tv and I was reading and to lazy to change channels.....There was one about a guy travelling around America doing  "eating wierd food challannges......The other was about Resturants selling the biggest burgers or meal combos that just one portion would feed my mum ,dad and six kids   .....One huge fat guy was tucking into a special burger as big as his huge fat head .....he was singing its praises and his huge fat hands tried to hold it as he ate it....looking around the resturant seventy percent of those in there was huge.....if the parents were huge mostly their kids were to....
    The food waste each day must fill so many Rubbish bins .....every restaurant was on the same theme......
    one  guy had to eat 186 oysters in a one hour sitting......  He did it with ease......
    Lately over the ive been watching police abuse of US citizen caught on films on YTube.....there are countless thousands of them and in so many of them the police both male and female are huge and more like Japanesse sumo wrestlers ...
    not all, but so many are overly obese ..... How on earth do they keep their jobs ....their are no police like that in England..... 

    How can one of the worlds most wealthy devoloped countries suffer with such health problems......Huge companies are to blame , those that care only about priofits and that means your government does also.....
    Most likely the problem is out of hand now  and only a country epidemic can change people's thinking..
    .It's a problem far greater then drugs of smoking I feel Rosie......
    Its one that can't be regulated without effecting people's human rights I think.....
      February 2, 2019 2:50 AM MST

  • 113301
    I'm not sure of this D but I think the US of A is the most OBESE -prone nation in the world. You discuss it and you are accused of fat-shaming. Just like when you discuss RACISM or FASCISM you are accused of exacerbating/promoting it. What bullsh** that is.  I lay all blame to parents. If you feed your children nutritious food their tastebuds will REJECT crap. But if your kids eat the same crap you do they develop a life-long love for it. Parents CONTROL the food consumed inside the house. Before children are old enough to go to school their tastebuds lock in to whatever they're fed and who is the culprit? PARENTS! If they've done a good job their kids will PREFER eating carrots to candy. I am not joking. I have seen it myself with my own eyes. Their tastebuds are not polluted with sweeteners so they react naturally to the foods that tastes the best to them. You educate a mind and you educate a palate. I like that. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your thoughtful reply D! :)
      February 3, 2019 5:18 AM MST

  • 14795
    I can only agree with what you say Rosie....It's the large food companies that brought about the term Fat Shaming.....  They don't want their addicts to stop eating.....
    Its wrong though to band them all together with those that have medical problems to how they gained their weight....
    But that is not what you are refuring to ....
    Yes we are all educated by what our partents fed us as babies onwards....all us kids were fed carrrot sticks as kids...celery to....I can still hear us crunching them as we  
      February 3, 2019 6:38 AM MST

  • It's a known fact that you can dig your grave with a fork and spoon. I've battled high blood pressure for 35 years and have in recent years been overweight. Add all of this to the discovery last October of four cardiac arteries with major blockages. Fortunately, some things can be influenced by diet and exercise. We've got a grip on the blood pressure with meds, the weight with improved eating habits and exercise. Since the surgery last year, I'm down to 230 lbs. Pulmonary functions have improved tremendously. Don't let these things get the upper hand.
      February 1, 2019 4:15 PM MST

  • 113301
    OMG DA! Close call. Well in 2008 my brother-in-law started having problems breathing. He was not a fan of going to doctors but he went. He had blockage in FIVE arteries I  believe and they immediately put him in the hospital for an operation. Of course the condition didn't arise overnight but as with many people he didn't bother going to a doctor for yearly checkups. Since then it has been one thing or another...all heart-related. He has had stents put in place several times. They keep changing his meds to see which ones will work best. Close calls a couple of times. You know what's strange though? He is on oxygen where he and my sis live in Carson City, Nevada. But whenever they come down to southern California to visit us in Hemet which they have done three times since they moved to Carson City in 2008 he does not need oxygen at all! I think it has something to do with the elevation. Glad your weight is less. How tall are you though? Are you a big man? Is 230 a healthy weight for your height? Are you continuing to lose weight? Of course you need not answer the questions. None of my business. But I am curious as you know. Good luck futurely with your health. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday!  :)
      February 2, 2019 2:31 AM MST

  • I'm 5'10" and 230 is still a little much. I was at 242 when we found the heart problem. Six weeks of post operative rehab took some off as well as avoiding fried foods, fats and a reduction in sugar.(I'll never be able to give up sugar completely) So far, a lot of intercessory prayer and a great support system has worked wonders. I've noticed that my stamina has improved and my breathing has improved 100% since surgery. I don't have the numbness and tingling sensations related to lack of circulation any longer either. You're on to something concerning the elevation and topography. As they say, the air is thinner at the higher elevations. It does have a discernible effect on folks of all ages and conditions.
      February 2, 2019 7:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    Good for you DA! ATTA BOY! What is your goal weight? Did your doc give you any specific number. I know height alone is not the only consideration. Body configuration matters too. Some folks jokingly refer to "big-boned" women but ya know what some gals are built sturdier than others and they are not fat even though the scale for their height might indicate that. I'm kinda medium-sized bone-wise but my baby sis is bigger boned. I expect the exact same thing is true for guys as well. Anyway keep up the good work. You have seen the light and you are continuing to walk toward it. Thanks for the share. Also thanks for "intercessory" prayer. Looked it up. Never heard of it before. I don't think I quite understand it though. "Interceding". Can you help me here DA? Thanks. This post was edited by RosieG at February 3, 2019 5:41 AM MST
      February 2, 2019 7:51 AM MST

  • Many of us believe that as Jesus Christ was the sacrifice on Calvary for the world's sin, He now sits at the right hand of the Heavenly Father interceding for mankind, much as an Attorney would plead a case in a court of law. When we offer intercessory prayer, we are petitioning Jesus, the Savior, on behalf of the circumstances and situations encountered by those around us. In short, we believe that prayer is a powerful force and that faith is the key that unlocks it. 
      February 2, 2019 8:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh. Okay. Thank you. I had never heard that word before DA. I talk to God daily and have since I was a young child. He listens very well. I have done more than my share of praying. However I abandoned the church decades ago. It got in the way. I found that the middleman(people in the c hurch) got in the way of good communication. I have never regretted it. I lost patience with those who treated others like crap 6 days a week and on Sunday went to church and felt so very self-righteous. So I left.  Big deal. I appreciate the explanation. I don't do well in crowds. I've been a loner much of life.
      February 2, 2019 8:29 AM MST

  • 44738
    What does that have to do with this question? Kinda like inserting a trump comment.
      February 3, 2019 5:43 AM MST

  • 34976
    He was answering Rosie. She asked what "intercessory prayer" meant.
      February 6, 2019 9:10 AM MST

  • 34976
    I actually just learned that my blood pressure is good. A nurse in the hospital said it was nice to take someones BP and not have to worry they are going to have a stroke right then and there. They would take it and tell me the numbers.  And I finally told them I had no idea what they meant and she explained it was was very good.
      February 1, 2019 5:33 PM MST

  • 113301
    You had no idea what a healthy blood pressure is m2c? How can that be? Never went to a doctor for yearly physicals? Never got a report back what the numbers were and what they meant and if there were  any problem areas to pay particular attention to for you? It's hard for me to believe that but I believe you. How about your kids? Do they see doctors regularly to make sure they are healthy? Periodic checkups? It has been inculcated in me since I was a wee child. My dad died of heart failure when he was only 54. A long-time smoker. Different strokes. Well I'm glad your numbers are good. That's always good.  Ever have an A1C test? That lets you know where you stand vis a vis diabetes. Just wonderin'. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at February 2, 2019 10:26 AM MST
      February 2, 2019 2:22 AM MST

  • 34976
    Up until this month, the last time I had been seen by a doctor was 17ys ago when I had my youngest son.  No annual physical....that is for people with insurance.  So no A1C test. We have been in this area for over 10yrs the lady at hospital reception was shocked I was not already in their system. 
    My kids do see a doc. They have ins. This post was edited by my2cents at February 2, 2019 7:58 AM MST
      February 2, 2019 7:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    WHAT? Boy am I ever confused m'dear! You can't AFFORD insurance for yourself? I thought you were on easy street. No disrespect intended. But when I asked a question awhile back about whether things were better or worse under the gaslighting prez you said things were never better which I took to mean financially. Geez you really have me worried now. Seriously! 17 years without a checkup? Oh my gosh. What if something very serious is going on that will only get worse? I do want to worry you m2c.   That is not a typo. I DO WANT TO WORRY YOU! What would your family do without you?  You had me totally fooled. Not that it was intentional. I'm not saying that. I just thought that you had lots of money and financial security I guess I just assumed too much. Do you have insurance now? What caused you to see the doctor sweetie? If I'm being too nosy then just ignore it. Do you have plans to be get insured? Doesn't your husband have insurance through work and have you on it? Why just the kids? Sorry. There I go again. OK. I'm gonna back off. Just tell me whatever you feel comfy with and if that is nothing then I won't press you. I promise. But I am worried. :( I would have died in 2008 from cancer without insurance. This post was edited by RosieG at February 2, 2019 8:33 AM MST
      February 2, 2019 8:03 AM MST