Trump Promised Mexico would pay for the wall and NOT through sanctions! So instead of fighting with Democrats he needs to sneak on over the border and beg Mexico to make his cray cray campaign promise come true!
Boy oh boy Cinders are you super smart/wise or what? Now that you bring it up it so obviously what he should have done as soon as he was inaugurated. OVER TWO YEARS AGO! I recall he asked/begged the prez of Mexico to just SAY he would pay for the wall so that puppet boy could save face. Instead of listening to his gut he sure could have used you then to tell him this. SIGH. Timing is everything! Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thy m'dear! :)
Not super smart, but thank you:) Just logical thinking sadly Trump didn't even call me boo hoo:) But he is so sure criminals are coming from Mexico, he needs to go THERE and ask their prez to help him rescue his deluded campaign promise! By crossing back over the border he WILL BE RIGHT that CRIMINALS are coming into the states from Mexico!!! lol. Enjoy weekend Rosie;)
Do NOT ignore that the ghost writer (does TRUMP HAVE A SINGLE THOUGHT IN HIS STUPID HEAD) who wrote the Art of the Deal for him, says he is the stupidest person alive and couldn't negotiate anything if his life depended on it.
The guy WROTE A BOOK FOR HIM ABOUT NEGOTIATIONS because Trump could not write it.
EXCELLENT point Sharon and superduper fantastic graphic! Those colors so suit him. Almost as good as orange as in jumpsuit criminals wear in prison! Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thy! :)
Too many RINO's that convinced Trump to postponed it. He should have told them to where to go and made them vote on it. But McConnell and Ryan refused to do their jobs. Trump should have forced the vote in Sept so they would have to worry about their vote just before the midterms.
Trump got played. By Ryan, by McConnell, by Pelosi. Possibly even by Putin. Not simply because he’s incompetent, but because he is too lazy to do his due diligence, and too dense to see his own failings. Where, pray tell, does that put you?
This post was edited by Don Barzini at February 2, 2019 1:22 AM MST
Personally, I would have known not to let them keep postponing the funding. Where does that put me? Nowhere, I am just someone who follows politics and knows who the establishment Reps are and that they along with the Dems do not want the border secure.
Putin has not done anything to Trump. President Trump has done plenty to Putin and the Russians...much more than any recent President.
It puts you as someone who supports an incompetent, lazy, narcissist who maybe wouldn’t have gotten played like he did.
Yeah, Trump just abdicated the INF treaty to what has to be Putin’s delight. No other recent president did that.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at February 2, 2019 1:27 AM MST
"He had two years of Republican majority to get his - - wall."
And he didn't get the wall. So, now, after two years, the wall is seemingly and suddenly a national emergency. Enough of an emergency to shut down the government.
I'm going to sign out now - - I'm going to go have dinner with and chum around with our No-Nukes-Anymore North Korea friends and the Now-Defunct-and-Out-of-Existence ISIS alumni. It's good to know I need not have any concern over them anymore. The President told me so.
((hugs)) Very well stated WQ. As usual you are taking the high road of logical reasonable sensible acceptance and going on with your life. After all puppet boy has ASSURED us an infinity of times how swell everything is going, how swell everything he's done is going, how swell everything he says turns out. What's to worry about right? He is in charge. He is control. He is da bomb da bum bomb! What could possibly go wrong, right? Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to you m'dear! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at February 3, 2019 7:35 PM MST