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Ever eat a pepper hotter than a jalapeno? What was its name and its SHU*?

How the heat of peppers are measured

For your amusement here are some examples

Jalapeno Peppers range from 2500-8000 SHU

In current descending order of HOT

Carolina Reaper 2,200,000 SHU
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion   2,009,231
7 Pot Douglah  1,853 ,936
7 Pot Primo  1,469,000
Trinidad Scorpion "Butch T" 1,463,700
Naga Viper  1,349,000
Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokian) 1,041,427
7 Pot Barrackpore 1,000,000
7 Pot Red (GIANT) 1,000,000
Red Savina Habanero  500,000

What would eating a 2,200,000 SHU pepper do to you?

Posted - February 2, 2019


  • 34976
    Nope. I don't do spicy food. Stuff they sell as mild is usually too much for me. 
      February 2, 2019 9:32 AM MST

  • 113301
    We like jalapenos m2c. Never knowingly or purposely tried anything hotter though we have encountered hotter in a couple of restaurant dishes we couldn't eat. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      February 3, 2019 2:25 AM MST