Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Does anyone or anything have a HOLD on you so strong that you cannot quit it even though you know it's taking you down? Why so weak?
Oh dear D. You are not speaking from personal experience are thee? I've not heard of her or the song but I'll investigate it. If a love HURTS isn't there something very wrong with it D? I mean love isn't for wimps. Not that it's HARD WORK because I don't think it is. But no matter how much alike you are and how much you adore each other you are not always going to agree. Well unless one of you is a doormat. That would hurt. Being walked on all the time. But that isn't love as I understand love to be. Thank you for your reply and the heads up. I'll Google the lyrics sweetie! :) OK. I'm back. I just read the lyrics and I CRINGED. I'm going to try to be respectful here D. A girl who can sing that song and mean it is as far removed from me as anyone can ever be. Maybe how I love and what I expect from it is very different from those to whom those lyrics are meaningful. I'll give you an example. For starters if I'm with a guy and he is eyeing every dame in the joint I don't date him again. If I'm not enough he should be with someone who is. I never get jealous. It's not in me. I just adjust my outlook and react accordingly. And dump the guy. Move on. Seriously. That's always been how I react. I mean people are varied and have different reactions. I don't see me ever being with anyone who is jealous (I dodged a bullet once upon a time long ago). I don't set people up to test them. I trust folks unless I find out I shouldn't and then I just stop engaging with them. I don't do drama.
When I was in Junior College I belonged to a sorority. A guy I had a VERY BIG CRUSH ON (it was not love but it was a very strong and abiding affection and might have turned to love. I was 18 after all!). I invited him to the Pasadena City College Ball where I was a student. After the Queen and her royal court are chose for the Rose Parade they hold a ball in December to introduce them to the community. So we went and while we were dancing one of my sorority sisters waltzed by and waved at me. She was a real looker. Later we (my date and I) chatted a bit with her and her date. When they moved on he said " she sure is pretty and so sweet". That was all it took! I did something I should not have done without asking her first. I asked him if he would like her phone number. He was shocked. He knew I liked him a lot. He said "are you sure" and I said "I wouldn't have offered it if I weren't sure" and so I gave it to him. The next day she called and told me he had called her and wondered why I gave him her number. I told her. She said "so you're not upset that he called and it's okay with you if I go out with him?" Which was a very sweet thing for her to have done. She was a real swell gal. I told her no I didn't mind and that was the truth. The minute he showed that kind of interest in her I lost interest in him. Just like that. It's how I'm wired. Whether they ever went out I don't know. I didn't ask. Of course he knew by my giving him that phone number I had no intention of dating him again. I wasn't sad or upset or waiting by the phone for him to call. I guess I figure if someone likes me fine. If someone likes me and then likes someone else better I don't pine. I move on. I wonder if others are like that? It's not arrogance. It's just accepting how people are, knowing how I am and doing what works best for me. So thanks for the info but if I were to write love songs they would never be like that one. :) They'd be HIT THE ROAD JACK AND DON'T YOU COME BACK NO MORE!
This post was edited by RosieG at February 5, 2019 10:05 AM MST
No...I'm not talking about personal experience Rosie ...other than the fact that I would be devastated if I was cheated on ...I've been with who I live with for when I was 17 and some months old... Im more then happy with how things turned out....but can see how devastating it can be to be hurt badly by the person you live with doing unexceptable things..... I always though the words to her singing the way she does as being very poignant .......Love can hurt when it turns to fear even if your thoughts are unfounded... If you live in fear of your partner messing about....that alone is enough to cause disharmony
I understand how you feel with what you said though..... Myself ,I feel partly it's ok to look but not to touch or seek different things....lol