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What are YOU a hypocrite about? Why?

For me it is

1. I don't believe in killing animals for their fur just to adorn a human being. I LOVE LEATHER. SIGH.

2. I can't separate lack of character/being obnoxious and also being hugely talented. But I question those
    who do the very same thing. SHEESH.

Posted - February 5, 2019


  • 14795
    I think it's terrible how we farm animals for slaughter and treat them abysmally up until the day they die...I know that's not true with all farmers...but how can you keep any creature and not get attached to them...

    Im quite ashamed that I'm a meat eater.....but I do enjoy eating it...
    How we catch and treat every living thing in our oceans is far far worse though.....Doesn't every living creature feel pain ,anguish,fear ......To be ripped from the seas by a hook in your mouth and then be cut to peices while still alive ...
    We pinch one eye off of prawns to make them lay more eggs... Cut oysters alive from their shells....boil lobsters alive and make horrific weapons to kill indiscriminately our own kind....We use gas,chemicals biological weapons designed  just to kill......

    No...I'm not happy that I eat animils ,fish,birds or crustacrabs ........
    So ,yes...I am a hypocrite...:( 
      February 5, 2019 2:45 AM MST

  • 113301
    One small thing I can contribute sweetie. I was married to a guy born in Lexington, Massachusetts. He knew all about lobsters. He said that when you put them in the water if you put them eye-side down they pass out so they feel nothing. Now do I know for sure that's true? No. But we invited my aunt and uncle over to a lobster fest dinner one day and I was in the kitchen with him and he showed me exactly how to do it so that lobsters felt no pain. But about the rest of it? Consumer's Report did an expose on chicken farms a few years ago and how the chickens are so packed in and crowded there is no room for them to recline. They are jam packed in like sardines and on their feet 24/7!. It took many months before we could eat chicken again and we switched to eating only FREE RANGE and ORGANIC chicken. More expensive sure but we feel LESS GUILTY when we eat it. Maybe being hypocrites is just a normal part of being a human being D. We know all politicians are hypocrites. Lots of folks pride themselves on the degree of hypocrisy in which they engage. Pulling something over on others! That's what they live for! Once upon a time for some reason I could not look at raw meat. I avoided the meat aisles. Had lunch one day with members of my family at a SIZZLER restaurant and they all were eating MEAT and the aroma nauseated me and I could hardly stand it. But I outgrew that phase I guess because now I cook roasts and we eat beefburgers (only with grain-fed organic  beef. All other ground beef when tested includes feces and that ain't very appetizing.) But Jim and I mostly eat veggies and whole grains and nuts and seeds and fruit and our diet is more vegetarian than anything. If we had to cease eating meat or fish ro fowl completely we would still enjoy the food we eat. It's just ya know baby back ribs or a succulent pot roast or chicken fried steak is so delish! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee D! :) ((hugs)) This post was edited by RosieG at February 5, 2019 9:51 AM MST
      February 5, 2019 3:25 AM MST

  • 14795
    In England the burn the beaks off of chickens so they can't peck others in the cramped conditions they are kept in....Ducks have an even worse to ture to endure....They have their Bills burnt off and are never given water throughout there very short lives...
    How do they know that lobsters don't feel pain.....? I've heard they they screech when first immersed in the scolding water 

    Why should we trust people they catch and want to sell lobsters,sea encrustation or any living thing being grown or caught for our food table...
    Where ever there are profits to be made you will find there are liars to......They both go hand in hand I think Rosie.... 
      February 5, 2019 10:01 AM MST