Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» BILLIONAIRE Howard Schulz sez BILLIONAIRE should be changed to "PEOPLE OF MEANS"! Another idiot rich guy putting lipstick on a pig?
Isn't it interesting that we have many among us who think that it's immoral to have large sums of money until some "Share the Wealth" scheme kicks in. Then it becomes "untapped resources". I'll always come down on the side of the rich. Lightening might strike and I might become rich one day. I'd love to see the privilege protected if I get my turn.
He is a pig of some sort. In the town of Masset on the Queen Charlotte Island off the coast of British Columbia there is a coffee shop named HaidaBucks (owned by some Haida Nations people) Starbucks Corp tried to sue them for name infringement. They did not succeed. It's a wonder how they ever even heard about Haidabucks coffee shop in such a remote location then be so concerned about a name infringement. That happened in 2003.
This post was edited by Kittigate at February 5, 2019 11:18 AM MST
WHAT? Sue them for bucks? One is Star and the other is HAIDA which is a group of people. How do they have the nerve to do stuff like that? Well they're not alone. Years ago when we lived in Riverside the Town Center had a coffee roaster place. It was called "SEE'S COFFEE ROASTERS"! Because the owner's last name was SEE. See? They were contacted by See's candy company and order to stop using that name. It was her NAME for cryin' out loud? Well of course they won and she changed the name to something else. I think that is insufferably arrogant and should be illegal! Gonna ask. See what others think. Thank you for your reply Kg and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)