Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» QUID PRO QUO. If the gaslighter-in-chief STOPS TELLING LIES the folks who call him out on them will stop having to. How is that not fair?
Fact-checkers have already proven that he's told more than 8,000 lies. Being truthful has nothing to do with whether or not a person agrees with your point of view.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of working on a lady from Yugoslavia.
SHE LOVES TRUMP. You cannot believe the crap she thinks. She was scolding me about how I know nothing and believe all the lies the news says.
She is rich. She has a flourishing business that OBAMA probably taxed her on, so she hates Obama and pretends its because he is a communist.
It is because someone took her entitled money and taxed it. That is all this is about with these idiots. MONEY in their pockets. And if you lie and tell them they are getting rich, that is good enough.
There is no helping the ignorant. Imagine me telling her she is stingy? That is the only reason she loves TRUMP. The ONLY reason.
I truly think they cannot help thinking as they do Sharon. It isn't done intentionally. It isn't as if they have other options and choose that. It is the only thing that makes sense to them. That is what makes them so vulnerable. They are all co-conspirtors with the gaslighter-in-chief. The wilder the lies he tells the more convinced they are that he and he alone speaks the truth. Now that has got to tell you something. They are programmed for just such a person. Maybe via genes and DNA or maybe they were taught that way early on. They are incapable of thinking otherwise. i mean do you get angry at a Kleptomaniac? It's a condition they cannot control. A " disease" as it were. Can it be cured? I don't know. Can belief in the gaslighter-in-chief be cured. I don't think so. I think it is absolutely all these people have in life. There is nothing there within them of their own to fall back upon. Only him. They see him as their savior and those who dislike/criticize/despise him are his crucifiers and evil. They can't help it. So what we do about them I don't know. There never will come a day when they see the light. Just like we cannot hear dog whistles because of our inadequate hearing? Well they cannot believe otherwise because of their inadequate intellect. My opinion only of course. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
This post was edited by RosieG at February 6, 2019 1:02 PM MST
I read your first sentence. AND I AGREE. THEY CANNOT. IT IS SO HARD TO ENDURE THIS. I had to work on her body and give her a massage. My God has a sense of humor. He knows that if I concentrate on her welfare, that is the right way to look upon this situation.
So, I universally care about their welfare. NO. I cannot say that either. She hated Obama. HATED HIM. ????
I do not envy your choice of career m'dear. I couldn't do it. My Jim was a hair stylist for 40 years and had to put up with all kinds of characters. A few became lifelong friends. A few he dreaded. But he is a very polite and kind person so he just endured them. I've always done best alone in an office with a door I can shut when I want. Being available to the public sucks! I used to work in a sales office early on in my working life and I had folks attack me and be so rude! One customer I was trying to help hung up on me! I thought my boss would be very angry with me. I told him what had happened because I was sure that the customer would complain to him about me. He shocked the heck outta me! He called the customer back, gave him he** for yelling at me and hanging up on me and told the guy he did not want his business if that was the price of having it! I felt like hugging him but of course I didn't. Anyway encounters like that drove me into a career where I could work alone or with co-workers and not have to deal with the rude behavior of "customers"! You are VERY BRAVE. I'm not! Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Thursday! :)
I am a total loner just like you. I am. But I am good with people. I pray. I swear to God. I had to. I say a prayer before I go into each and every session. It works a lot better when I just take whatever happens as a service and not be judgmental of anything they do. One guy left me 5 dollars yesterday as a tip that most people leave at least 15. I would not have noticed or cared, but he left it in my room like he wanted me to know he was being a jerk.
So what? He's gone. I am still employed and I won't have to deal with him again, because I won't work on him. I can do that at least. I put it in his notes. DO NOT BOOK HIM WITH ME.
OH BY THE WAY.... that boss of yours was a true prince. The public should never be allowed to behave in such a manner that harasses a worker.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at February 7, 2019 1:07 PM MST
I can't imagin Trump not lying unless he could be tricked into not lying. Like when he claimed he was only 239 pounds they should of said - Sir for your safety we have to know the exact fuel to weight ratio for Air Force 1 - now how much do you really weigh.? Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at February 6, 2019 1:14 PM MST
He is beyond OBESE. Probably pushing 300 lbs. He will find a doc who goes along with the lies. They're a dime a dozen. Folks who care more for the money and fame than integrity or honor. They seem to b e propating a lot more lately. Too bad. Our loss. Their gain. Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)