Did he stay on script and read from the Teleprompter word for word never deviating a bit or did ad lib into his typical divisive attack and pat on back? Will it go down in history as being a very impressive and emotionally/intellectually satisfying/memorable speech or is it just the same old pig with more lipstick and rouge and tawdry fake jewelry and garish clothes prancing about doing the usual thing?
He already did that. That's why the majority in the House of Representatives is now in the hands of THE DEMOCRATS. The gaslighter-in-chief GOT CREAMED AND HUMILIATED BIGLY by the November 2018 election. He was REPUDIATED.
Women who got royally ticked off at his misogyny ran for elective office and won! He took laps for that fact! The dam* fool knows he is responsible for it and takes credit for it not knowing that because of their hatred for him they wanted to get involved in politics to take people like him DOWN! Either his worshipping supporters adorers know and don't give a rat's a** or don't know because they are so gullible and brain-dead they believe what he says when he says it. Either way he deserves to have them go over the cliff with him and they deserve going over it with him. A marriage made in heaven! Thank you for your thoughtful reply NdP.