Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The sun rises in the east and sets in the west in the US. That is a SHARED FACT for Americans. What does "FACT" mean to you?
Where does it move to..I've noticed recently that it seems to go missing every day...I think I need to start drinking heavily again and hope that stops it....it seemed to work before when I tried to stop drinking...:(
You can't believe every thing you hear Rosie....Most governments worldwide are like knitting wool manufactures ......They spin us so many yarns and expect us all to buy it.... :(
Touche sweetie! Thank you for your reply D and Happy Saturday to thee! Some things work differently in the southern hemisphere than they do in the northern hemisphere. I'm gonna ask about it. Thank you for your reply! :)
I know franc. They will only believe what is comforting to them. I can understand that. What I don't understand though is why those beliefs are always damaging to others. it's very peculiar. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to you! :)
We see the sun rise in the east and set in the west on a daily basis. Our seeing it is proof. It has never failed to happen (certainty). Although some may dispute which way is east is east and which way is west, the fact remains that the sun does rise and set. We can quibble about the sun not really moving or that it doesn't set/rise at the poles exactly as it does elsewhere, but that doesnt ne negate it from being a fact.
Facts are also universal (worldwide). A fact cannot be one thing in one country and another thing somewhere else. For example, if the sun rose in the east in Mexico but rose in the west in Canada, it would not be a fact. That doesn't mean that if the sun rises in the west on another planet that it isn't a fact here.
Facts can change, but cannot be changed. Fact - California is a state in the USA. However, if California were to secede from the USA, it would no longer be a fact that it is pat of the USA (but it will always be a fact that it once was).
Simply disputing a fact does not nullify it from being a fact. Some people claim the the world is flat. However, evidence shows this not to be true (seasons, photographs, eye-witness reports, etc.). They can deny it all they want to, but the fact remains that the earth is spherical.
Thank you for your thoughtful exposition in reply to my question. Exactamundo. A FACT must be true for everyone everywhere. EXCEPT well the next question I ask will address that. Some FACTS are different in the northern hemisphere than in the southern. Seasons for example or the direction in which water goes down a drain. So I guess some FACTS are geographically determined?
Water goes down the drain the same direction in both hemispheres - random. The shape of the basin and the angle it is are the biggest factor on direction. (My nephew lives in Australia)