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What makes you feel accepted by someone else?

Posted - February 8, 2019


  • When I eventually show them what an absolute cluster faaak of a person I am and they still stick around....Then I think what the hellz wrong with them, so I push them away lol. 

      February 8, 2019 1:07 PM MST

  • You seem like a pretty sweet person to me!!
      February 8, 2019 1:50 PM MST

  • Thanks ,  you too:) I’m sure we’re all a little cluster faaaked in one way or another. 
      February 8, 2019 1:52 PM MST

  • Yes .. we're all weird in our own way!  :)
      February 8, 2019 1:53 PM MST

  • True dat :)
      February 8, 2019 1:56 PM MST

  • 7988
    True Dat?  where did you pick up that phrase?   :   I This post was edited by . at February 8, 2019 5:22 PM MST
      February 8, 2019 2:29 PM MST

  • From Leo.....
      February 8, 2019 3:48 PM MST

  • 53322

      Untrue!  Rosie started it!  (Has she ever bitten you?)

      February 8, 2019 4:16 PM MST

  • Lol, I haven’t visit her corner since my return, mainly because I’m neither interested or knowledgeable about American politics. If she starts asking music or food Qs maybe I’ll wonder over. I’ll bring my shin guards to be safe though ;)

      February 8, 2019 4:40 PM MST

  • 7988
    I can see right now you are an annoying little pip squeak.  True DAT!
      February 8, 2019 4:25 PM MST

  • I wish I could say that’s the first time I’ve heard that... or even only the 5th.
      February 8, 2019 4:41 PM MST

  • 53322
    Hey, hey, hey, hey!  Break it up, you two!  That's NOT why I invited you here!

      February 8, 2019 4:49 PM MST

  • See what you do Randy? you drive all the woman so crazy we squeaking at each other :(
      February 8, 2019 4:51 PM MST

  • 53322

      I know, I know.

      February 8, 2019 5:32 PM MST

  • We made up now... You can hang out in the roses corner while we do lunch :)
      February 8, 2019 6:07 PM MST

  • 53322

      MorningStar: "It sure was nice of Randy D to offer to wash our clothes for us, don't you think?"

      Jaimie: "Well, I guess . . . "

      MorningStar: "Is something wrong?"

      Jaimie: "Didn't you find it creepy that he insisted on undressing us himself, BOTH of us, and right at the same time in the same room?"

      MorningStar: "That's just how he is.  I mostly ignore him."

      Jaimie: "Did you see how much extra pleasure he got taking off our bras and panties?"

      MorningStar: "I get the impression he's done this before, he seemed way too well practiced at undressing two women at the same time."

      Jaimie: "Another thing, how long should it take to wash and dry our clothes?  He's had them for almost two hours already."

       MorningStar: "You're right!  What's he up to?"

      Jaimie: "Knowing Randy D, he's probably cooked up some scheme to keep us here all night. He'll make his move then, I'm sure of it."

      MorningStar: "But there are two of us, he's by himself."

      Jaimie: "This is Randy D we're talking about here, remember?"

      MorningStar: "Yes, good point.  Listen, if you're right, which one of us do you think he'll go after?"

      Jaimie: "Duh!  He personally undressed both of us standing two feet away from each other. He'll try something freaky with both of us and probably at the same time again."

      MorningStar: "It didn't escape my notice that there's only one bed here . . . "

      Jaimie: "Let's find our clothes and get the heck out of here right this minute."

      MorningStar: "Forget the clothes; we'll wear these borrowed robes."

      Jaimie: "Good idea.  I'll car call an Uber for us."


    This post was edited by Randy D at February 8, 2019 8:20 PM MST
      February 8, 2019 7:49 PM MST

  • 44516
    It hasn't worked on me...yet.
      February 8, 2019 5:18 PM MST

  • Lol :) good. I don’t want us squabbling :)
      February 8, 2019 5:19 PM MST

  • 44516
    Maybe we'll have a squab dinner some evening.

      February 8, 2019 5:24 PM MST

  • 53322

    (At least I'm not one of those guys who only think about sex all the time . . . )

      February 8, 2019 1:46 PM MST

  • Yumm!!  Sammiches!  
      February 8, 2019 1:51 PM MST

  • 10647
    I can see you now...

      February 8, 2019 6:51 PM MST

  • 53322

      THAT'S!!!  NOT!!!  MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!  Grrrrrrr.

      February 8, 2019 7:54 PM MST

  • I suppose when I see they feel comfortable to open up with me and just be themselves.  
      February 8, 2019 1:49 PM MST