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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why do YOU think God made you the way you are? Of course that question is only for "true believers". My question for those who aren't?

Why do YOU think God made you the way you are? Of course that question is only for "true believers". My question for those who aren't?

Who made you the way you are? Who influenced you and shaped your thinking? You didn't do it alone on your own. You had help. Whose?

Posted - February 9, 2019


  • 1305
    No, my free will and tendency to not trust God, or being overpowered by the desires of the flesh,  influences of others, and the world, make up most of who I am.  However, if I was to be in tune with Gods will for me, then I would truly know peace and would have nothing to fear, but I'm currently a long way off from that.  My self will and self thought is too dominant and noisy most of the time, one thought in the past, another in the future,  the spirit of God has no chance of entering in or being experienced.

    "When thou standest still from the thinking of Self, and the willing of Self. When both thy intellect and will are quiet, and passive to the expressions of the Eternal Word and Spirit; and when thy soul is winged up and above that which is temporal, the outward senses and the imagination being locked up by holy abstraction, then the Eternal Hearing, Seeing and Speaking will be revealed in thee, and so God heareth and seeth through thee, being now the organ of his Spirit, and so God speaketh in thee, and whispereth to thy Spirit, and thy Spirit heareth his voice. Blessed art thou therefore if thou canst stand still from self-thinking and self-willing, and canst stop the wheel of thy imagination and senses; forasmuch as hereby thou mayest arrive at length to see the great Salvation of God, being made capable of all manner of divine sensations and heavenly communications. Since it is nought indeed but thine own hearing and willing that do hinder thee, so that thou dost not see and hear God."

    Corinthians -We speak the hidden mystical wisdom of God; which God ordained before the world into our glory; which none of the Princes of this World knew. For had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. But, as it is written, Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. For the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God. Now we have received, not the Spirit of the World, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which men's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the Natural Man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth, or discerneth all things. This post was edited by kjames at February 10, 2019 1:57 AM MST
      February 9, 2019 4:45 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply kj and Happy Sunday! :)
      February 10, 2019 1:58 AM MST

  • 1305
    Happy Monday RosieG, I hope you are well :)
      February 11, 2019 9:10 AM MST

  • 46117
    God is most generous.  We are co-creators.  God is the good part.  Our hearts and minds must learn to seek out the meaning of GOD in our hearts and minds.
      February 9, 2019 4:48 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Sunday to you! :)
      February 10, 2019 1:58 AM MST

  • 7807
    God has a sick sense of humor. I'm here so that he can watch me die by my own hands. HA!!!!
      February 9, 2019 4:50 PM MST

  • 113301
    Well are you drinking yourself to death Zack? Are you a drug addict? Do you eat all the wrong foods, never see a doctor or dentist? Then indeed you are killing yourself by your own hand and I'm pretty sure God would not take pleasure in it. I'm guessing of course. He does not confide in me  about such things. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday. If you are successful in your endeavor I will be sad.
      February 10, 2019 2:00 AM MST