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God said "thou shalt put no other Gods before me". Deal. What did God NOT SAY?

You will sacrifice your children to please me. You will ignore their best interests even if it costs their lives. You will do that to please me.

I see no evidence that God wants parents to let their children die to prove their devotion to him. Do you?  So why Christian Scientists do that I don't get. Does the Christian Science bible direct them to do that What kind of evil God would demand that?

Scientologists put Scientology before their children. I have no idea how anyone can be brainwashed that much.  But millions of them are. Bad parents. They should never have had children. Let them sacrifice their own lives to a human "god" who was in fact an insane man. Don't have kids and force them into that kind of servitude and despair. It is a bad thing they do. A very bad thing. Bad people do bad things to their children and others.

Posted - February 15, 2019


  • 6098
    God never told us how to negotiate the stock market. 

    God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac and he was all set to obey but then God told him to sacrifice an animal instead.  This is how the historical switch from human to animal sacrifice is explained.  Blood sacrifices were common and accepted in the ancient world and still exist in some places today. Then Christianity came along which had Christ Himself as the sacrificial victim taking the sins of the world upon Himself. So blood sacrifice no longer became necessary.  Now if we give up Christianity we have no choice but to go back to blood sacrifice because then the only think of real value and currency becomes life itself. 

    I agree entirely that Scientology is inhuman and I have been watching that TV series as well.  But good people can do and do do bad things to their children and others as well. 
      February 15, 2019 7:56 AM MST

  • 6023
    Now if we give up Christianity we have no choice but to go back to blood sacrifice because then the only thing of real value and currency becomes life itself. 

    No.  We have other choices.  Including worship of other deities who don't require sacrifices ... or worshiping no deities, which also requires no sacrifices.
      February 15, 2019 2:49 PM MST

  • 113301
      February 16, 2019 3:55 AM MST

  • 6023
    God (Jehovah) never says in the 10 Commandment that we HAVE TO worship Him.
    Just that if we DO worship a god, we have to worship Him (Jehovah) above any and all others.
    So one can believe in multiple or no gods, without violating the 10 Commandments of Jehovah.

    Scientology is not a Christian sect, any more than Hindu is.
    The Bible (10 Commandments) does not apply to either of them.

      February 15, 2019 2:55 PM MST

  • 7280
    When, as told in Exodus 19:25, Moses went down to the people and spoke Exodus 20 to them, I doubt anyone there though God didn't deserve to be worshipped.
      February 15, 2019 6:30 PM MST

  • 113301
      February 16, 2019 3:56 AM MST

  • 6023
    Then why were they worshiping an idol?
    Answer: Because everybody else was doing it.
      February 18, 2019 7:12 AM MST

  • 113301
    We have a failure to communicate here Walt. Where did I imply that Scientology is a Christian Sect? It's its own paragraph separate and apart. I am talking about BAD parenting. Whether the parent is a Christian Scientist or a Scientologist or a whatever. These people who put whatever religion they choose AHEAD OF THE BEST INTEREST  OF THEIR CHILDREN are all evil bad cruel disgusting. Now since atheists have no such beliefs they are excluded from this particular question. HOWEVER they can be bad parents too by putting their own desires  wants first. Bottom line. DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN if you cannot love them, protect them, guide them, take care of them. It is especially egregious with religious folk who are always so dam* self-righteous! Okey dokey? As far as the ten commendments only applying to Christians. Would you like to rethink that perhaps? How is THOU SHALT NOT KILL a bad thing for anyone to believe including atheists? You are limiting wise advice/guidance to only the true believers? Why? Okey. I beat that dead horse. Moving on thank you for your reply.
      February 16, 2019 3:12 AM MST

  • 6023
    Actually, it's "Thou shall not commit murder".  Jehovah is perfectly fine with His People killing people, as long as they are enemies.  Or breaking into a house at night.  Or a slave who deserves it.  (Obviously, Jehovah is okay with slavery.)  Or someone who strikes or curses their parent.
      February 18, 2019 7:16 AM MST

  • 17031
    God definitely did not say to send enormous amounts of money to a TV evangelist so he can buy a fourth private jet airplane.
      February 15, 2019 8:32 PM MST

  • 113301
    Yet I have seen them on TV and heard them say that GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH!. I forget which ones   said that but there is or was an entire religious belief system based on that. I mean c'mon! But here again we see seas of people falling prey to a smooth-talking snake oil salesman telling them WHAT GOD WANTS. Why are there so many alive without brains or minds R? I mean whether it is religious-based or politically based. How can so many millions of people swear by charlatans and evildoers and skunks and bums and con artists? Any ideas are gratefully accepted. Thank you for your reply! :)
      February 16, 2019 3:17 AM MST