That is second VERY BEST 4-word answer I've ever received Shuhak! First I laughed. It cracked me up. Then I realized how true it is and stopped laughing. "We aren't that lucky!" Dagnabbit! The other best 4-word answer I ever received occurred years ago on Answerbag. The question I asked was "What if God were Gay?" and the reply I received I treasure bigly is "that would explain rainbows". Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
I s'pose you're right tom. If don left the US gubment he'd no longer have any value to Putin. I wonder how and when Putin will kick his royal orangeness out the door and nevermore engage with him? Thank you for your reply! :)
So if a serial killer posted a defense of his lifestyle on this site, you would think he deserves admiration and esteem for his explanation?---or would you (hopefully) disrespect his justification of what he did?
Do you not believe that there are common values about the average person's right to life versus the serial killers right to his self-satisfaction?
Flight risk? Hardly. The man's got more courage in his thumbnail than any combination of one thousand Democrats that I've seen. Of course you can put the brains of a thousand Democrats under a thumbnail. But why get yourself tied up in knots. All of the announced candidates for the presidency that I've seen coming from the Democrat Party, will be PERFECT to lead the United Sodom and Gomorrah of America.