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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Too bad we can't production-line humans as they do cars. We'd have a QC department to check 'em out and FIX 'em before delivery, GREAT?

Too bad we can't production-line humans as they do cars. We'd have a QC department to check 'em out and FIX 'em before delivery, GREAT?

 Professor Higgins plaintively wailed "why can't a woman be more like a man"

Why can't a human be more like a production-line car?

I know despite QC (Quality Control) departments some cars are lemons. I expect the same is true for some humans. But at least you get a crack at checking cars out and seeing if they fit the specs  before you deliver 'em to the car dealers who sell them to the customers.

Humans are born with an inbred defect. Apparently their bodies are programmed to love junk food. Now I ask you how is that fair? To bring with you an instrument of your own undoing if taken to an extreme? Seems like rotten luck to me. Too bad we aren't programmed to love HEALTHY food. I don't know how many health problems that would solve but I bet it would be more than one. Gotta be a way to fix it. Gotta be.

Posted - February 19, 2019


  • 6023
    I just want them to hurry and get androids we can upload our consciousness into.

      February 19, 2019 10:46 AM MST

  • 113301
    SWOOSH! That went right over my head Walt. I  mean if we do that what happens to us? I give my consciousness to a robot then what happens next TO ME? Did you think this through? Thank you for your reply! :)
      February 19, 2019 10:54 AM MST

  • 6023
    It's a long-standing science fiction plot ... we upload our consciousness into robots, and "live" forever.  Replacing worn-out bodies/parts with new ones.

    Of course, we'd have to solve mental problems like senility and psychosis before that.  Or maybe the robot circuitry would repair those problems.
      February 19, 2019 11:02 AM MST

  • 113301
    Right! Okey doke! I remember a sci-fi program once upon a time long ago. I don't remember which show...I think it might have been one called LIGHTS OUT. Anyway the program unfolds and somewhere off stage unseen is the "leader" who is controlling everything. You never see him. Until the last frame as the screen fades to black. It is a brain in a liquid-filled jar who is in charge in control! I still remember that so vividly because of course who wouldda thunk it?  I suppose if we all could do that...transfer our consciousness to a robot... then "life" would never end literally. But if only a few of us did then we would be mourning the loss of our loved ones forever wouldn't we? SIGH. Thank you fhe clarification Walt! :)
      February 20, 2019 1:51 AM MST

  • 11360
    We already have the technology to  production line humans as they do cars. At the beginning of the human production line there would sets of parents that have gone through a procedure to alter their genetic coding to a specific factory setting. When those parents have a baby - the baby would be placed on production line X or production line Y. Each production line would lead to a quality control  scan that would check to see if they inherited the specific factory setting of genetic coding. The babies that did inherite the factor settings would continue down the line but a baby that didn't inherit the factory settings would cause an Ahooga horn to sound and that baby would be removed from the line. After a few generations the human race would be perfect in every way except for originality. Cheers!
      February 19, 2019 12:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    Ya know Nanoose I did read about some guy in Japan (I think) who actually fooled around with the DNA of a baby...I think it was in the womb before the birth was to occur. Years ago there was talk about getting "DESIGNER BABIES". I don't know if it was theoretical but you could get them with blue eyes, blond hair, athletic prowess, intellectual superiority and whatever gender you wished. It might have been just science fiction but isn't that like humans playing "god"? On the one hand it would be great to remove bad dna that would cause deathly medical conditions and pain and suffering. On the other hand as you indicate there would be no individuality.  I dunno. It's creepy to contemplate but so is the wackadoodle in the US White House. Thankyou for your thoughtful reply and Happy Wednesday m'dear!  :)
      February 20, 2019 2:06 AM MST