"Forgive me God for being a despicable disgusting evil human being. Forgive my sins for taking away the innocence of children who looked up to me. I am human. You made me this way. I need mercy from Thee oh lord though I never gave it".
Think God would buy that or d'ya think the evildoers dressed in holy clothing wouldn't dare actually pray and just go through the motions when in fact what they are thinking of is their next conquest or reliving the sexual high they get from abusing children? When is the church going to rid itself of ALL ITS PEDOPHILES and those who sexually abuse nuns and all those who lie for and cover up for the evil done? Why after so many decades after the original horrendous disgusting outing of what had been going on forever to altar boys and others can it still be a HUGE problem? Is it a haven for the despicables? Still? A shelter for the rotten rogues...a sanctuary for the sinners? A priest who "comforts" families during times of grief may be causing horrible grief to their victims. What hypocrites. What phonies.