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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder exactly what pedophile priests and their priestly enablers say to God when they pray to Him? Do they dare or do they not?

I wonder exactly what pedophile priests and their priestly enablers say to God when they pray to Him? Do they dare or do they not?

"Forgive me God for being a despicable disgusting evil human being. Forgive my sins for taking away the innocence of children who looked up to me. I am human. You made me this way. I need mercy from Thee oh lord though I never gave it".

Think God would buy that or d'ya think the evildoers dressed in holy clothing wouldn't dare actually pray and just go through the motions when in fact what  they are thinking of is their next conquest or reliving the sexual high they get from abusing children? When is the church going to rid itself of ALL ITS PEDOPHILES and those who sexually abuse nuns and all those who lie for and cover up for the evil done? Why after so many decades after the original horrendous disgusting outing of what had been going on forever to altar boys and others can it still be a HUGE problem? Is it a haven for the despicables? Still? A shelter for the rotten rogues...a sanctuary for the sinners? A priest who "comforts" families during times of grief may be causing horrible grief to their victims. What hypocrites. What phonies.

Posted - February 21, 2019


  • 19937
    I think pedophiles, whether priests or anyone else, should be locked up.  The Church is absolutely negligent for allowing these priests to continue harming children and nuns when they knew all along it was happening.  By transferring them to other parishes, all the did was present that pedophile to a new flock of children to abuse.  If there is a God, which I personally doubt, he should never forgive them.  They don't deserve forgiveness.  They deserve to rot in hell for eternity.
      February 21, 2019 9:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think priests are the most evil of pedophiles. They represent GOD on earth and what terrible representatives. Scumbag ordinary mentally deficient pedophiles who are not held in high esteem are not as bad to me. Why? Because they are not associated with GOD. Whether you believe in a higher power or not is irrelevant. What IS relevant is what the priest represents. And every pedophile priest..evey priest who sexually abuses nuns..every "holy" person who covers up for the evildoers...should all pay for it. They dishonor the church. They dishonor the religion. They dishonor the concept of GOD. They dishonor the teachings of Jesus. They disgust me bigly. Phonies. Deviates. Perverts. SIGH. Thank you for your reply L. I doubt it will ever end. How many decades has this been going on? How is it better now than before? Nothing changes. Talk about a CRIMINAL enterprise..harboring them sanctuary and lying for them? Unconscionable.
      February 22, 2019 2:24 AM MST

  • 19937
      February 22, 2019 8:59 AM MST

  • 46117
    They don't believe in anything.  They believe that their minds tell them everything and anything they think is correct.


    Ask Trump.

    What kind of man goes in public and uses this line:   I have nothing to ask God to forgive me for, I have done nothing wrong.

    And he has the most sanctimonious Evangelicals backing him.  Anything he says is okay with them.  What a way to show God how much you worship HIM.

    Listen to the voice of TRUMP.  Guaranteed HELL.

      February 21, 2019 9:36 AM MST

  • 113301
    Of course little donny doughboy is a scam/con artist. He dupes the gullibles. They love him and love it and support all of it. They are hopelessly lost and will deserve whatever fate awaits them.  But he is not representing God as priests are. He is a soulless spiritually empty dirtbag. No one expects anything of value from him(except his peeps whom we have already written off). No one with any sense looks to him for protection or comfort or safety or wise counsel or truth or honor or justice or kindness or mercy. Priests on the other hand have an obligation to be what they are SUPPOSED to be. Representatives on earth of God. What they are however is the opposite. They represent the DEVIL most assuredly. May their end be as savage as their lives have been. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      February 22, 2019 2:30 AM MST

  • 46117
    Regarding pedophiles and all criminals who walk and talk the name of religion, they have the same sick mindset.  They really do not believe in any God that makes any sense, they rationalize their behavior and say it is natural.  Like Trump, they live in their own heads, make their own rules and think everyone operates this way.  They think everyone else is a criminal and most people are molesters.
      February 22, 2019 9:03 AM MST