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When’s your birthday? Who’s your hero? Can you tell me tell me this? What’s your favourite flavour ice-cream? What? No it’s not a quiz.

Posted - February 21, 2019


  • 976
    January 4, My Mother, Capricorn, butter pecan, never mind. Thank goodness. I'm exhausted. 
      February 21, 2019 7:19 PM MST

  • 628
    Hello Easyjolene
    Ha..that is my birthday as well...1960 though
      February 21, 2019 7:23 PM MST

  • 976
    I'm not far behind. 1967! Thanks for sharing :)
      February 21, 2019 7:31 PM MST

  • Haha! I luv’ you.. let’s trade numbers let’s trade beepers I can find you any place.... hey why you looking at your watch??
      February 21, 2019 7:30 PM MST

  • 976
    My eye just twitched. I luvs you!
      February 21, 2019 7:33 PM MST

  • :)
      February 22, 2019 6:35 AM MST

  • 46117

    Calm yourself down.

    Deep breaths.

      February 21, 2019 10:30 PM MST

  • CAN’T! Too hyper lately! BAAAAAAAAH! Lol 
      February 22, 2019 6:36 AM MST

  • 17486
    Between February and January.

    I don't have one, although I really liked Pope John Paul II.

    I like chocolate mint and chocolate peanut butter more than the others. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at February 22, 2019 6:36 AM MST
      February 21, 2019 10:44 PM MST

  • Good info, thanks.
      February 22, 2019 6:36 AM MST

  • 4625
    4.15 am, 2nd July, 1956, London, UK

    I have many heroes.
    Just Asking is one because I think it takes incredible courage, patience and persistence to achieve what she has here and because of her truely liberal values in helping to establish a site which is safe and respectful.
    Other heroes - in life, Marshall Rosenberg, M. Scott-Peck, Joseph Goldstein
    In politics - Ghandhi, Mandela, David Suzuki, Bob Brown
    In ethics - Peter Singer
    In literature - currently Helen Garner and Sylvia Plath, but it changes continually depending on who I'm reading.
    Name some aspect of the world, be it science, gardening, spirituality, horsemanship, cooking, music, psychology, education... in every field there are heroes I admire for their discoveries and gifts to humanity and/or the planet.

    Favourite flavour of ice-cream - used to be vanilla, but I find it far too sweet nowadays.
    Have given it up in favour of unsweetened yogurt or kefir mixed with almost any fruit - black currants is a favourite.

    How about you, Jaimie?
    What is your birthday?
    Who are your heroes?
    Wath is your favourite ice-cream?
      February 22, 2019 1:24 AM MST

  • Thats nice :) 
    My birthday is New Year’s Eve.
    fave ice-cream would be just vanilla with raspberries on it.
    my hero’s are my bestfriend for putting up with me for years and my sister. 
      February 22, 2019 6:38 AM MST

  • 17486
    Ah, your parents got the exemptions.  How nice of you. 
      February 22, 2019 4:38 PM MST

  • Lol :) yeah, I’m thoughtful like that. 
      February 23, 2019 6:03 AM MST

  • Stop trying to get the answers to all my security questions. 
      February 22, 2019 5:56 AM MST

  • You figured me out-_- I wanted change the outfit on the character in that game you play...
      February 22, 2019 6:39 AM MST

  • 6098
    October 27.  I don't know - I guess my heroes are just regular people who lead good lives, work hard, are responsible - meaning take responsibility for their thoughts and actions, and are happy.  All of which are rare enough these days.  Many people can do great things but they are not great people.  We all have flaws but we all don't do great things.  Ice cream I have not had for 30 years. Over 30 years.  What I remember of it is my teeth hurting and my temples pounding - not pleasant memories. 
      February 22, 2019 6:27 AM MST

  • Haha I remember you don’t like ice cream from my Dairy Queen post :)
      February 22, 2019 6:40 AM MST

  • 2327
    Tyson Fury. 
    Half baked.
    Half baked. 
      February 22, 2019 6:46 PM MST

  • Haha perfect! And Happy birthday on Sunday :)
      February 23, 2019 6:04 AM MST